Accountability is an integral part of our commitment to providing world-class healthcare. Below you will find information about how we are performing, both financially and operationally, our staff declarations of interests, our efforts to improve our population’s health and the processes we have in place to combat fraud and modern slavery.

Annual reports

Read our 2023/24 annual report, which includes sections on our performance, our work to improve patient care and our independently audited accounts.

On 1 July 2014 Barnet Hospital, Chase Farm Hospital and their associated services became part of the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.

Below are the annual reports of the former North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust (North Mid) from 2016 to 2024. On 1 January 2025, North Mid merged with the Royal Free London.

We monitor our performance against several national targets for urgent and emergency care, cancer assessments and care, elective referral to treatment (RTT) and diagnostic waiting times.

The focus on improving against these standards allows us to fulfil our commitment to delivering safe, consistent, and timely care to both elective and emergency patients. 

Our latest performance data is as follows: 

Emergency care

Patients admitted, transferred or discharged from our emergency departments within four hours improved to 78% in December 2024, from 75% the previous month.

We remain on track to achieve the 2024/25 national target of 78% by March 2025.

Individual hospital performance for December was:

  • 76.9% at Barnet Hospital
  • 70% at Royal Free Hospital
  • 98.9% at Chase Farm Hospital

Ambulance waiting times

Ambulances waiting for under 30 minutes outside our emergency departments was at 48% in December 2024 (44.6% at Barnet Hospital and 51% at the Royal Free Hospital). This decreased overall from 57.4% the previous month.

Referral to treatment waiting list

The number of patients waiting fewer than 18 weeks from referral to treatment in December 2024 was 56.3%, a small decrease from 56.9% the previous month. A total of 44 patients waited longer than 78 weeks, an improvement from 73 patients the previous month, 

Patients waiting longer than 65 weeks went down to 235, a further improvement from 385 the previous month.


A total of 61.3% of patients completed their treatment within 62 days in November 2024, a improvement from 59.3% the previous month. This is the highest position in the past 12 months. A total of 73% of patients received a 28-day faster diagnoses for cancer in November. This improved from 71.9% the previous month.


The number of patients waiting fewer than six weeks for diagnostic tests decreased to 83.8% in December 2024, from 88.6% the previous month, against a target of 95%. The trust remains in the second highest quartile for national benchmarking.


The number of hospital deaths are lower than expected, with a summary hospital-level mortality indicator (SHMI) of 0.77 for September 2023 to August 2024 (latest data).

Individual hospital performance for the same period was:

  • 0.71 for Royal Free Hospital — lower than expected
  • 0.84 for Barnet Hospital — lower than expected

This positions the trust as having the third lowest mortality rate in the country.

For our yearly performance data, see our annual reports.

In accordance with NHS England guidance, the Public Register displays declarations of interest made by our decision-making staff. We're committed to being an open and transparent organisation and you can view our staff declarations here

Decision makers are defined as:

  • executive and non-executive directors
  • governors.
  • staff at Agenda for Change band 8d and above
  • non-agenda for change senior staff (including all other very senior managers and all consultants)
  • other administrative and clinical staff who have the power to enter into supply contracts on behalf of the trust, approve invoices or participate in decisions to buy equipment or add drugs to formulary, whether individually or at a trust committee

You can also view staff declarations at the former North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust, which merged with the Royal Free London on 1 January 2025.

At the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, we are required by the government to share payment details of our spending greater than £25,000 every month. 

These hospital spending reports include individual invoices, grant payments, expense payments and transactions over £25,000. There may be some occasions where transactions are not published, for example, if sharing our information would contravene legislation.


Thumbnail Title Filename Date Posted Size
CSV file icon Royal Free London expenditure January 2025 AP_Paid_Over_25k_2024-2025_M10_Final.csv 04/02/2025 0.07 MB






North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust merged with the Royal Free London on 1 January 2025.

These spending reports up to the end of 2024 include individual invoices, grant payments, expense payments and transactions over £25,000, which are required to be shared by the government. There may be some occasions where transactions are not published, for example, if sharing information would contravene legislation.








Fraud in the NHS is thought to cost on average around £5.7 billion every year and takes away money which services should be spending on patient care, funding towards further medical professionals or treatments. The total loss of procurement expenditure is estimated to be £1.05 billion, while the total loss to payroll fraud is estimated to be £0.56 billion.

What is fraud?

Fraud is defined as any dishonest false representation, failure to disclose information or abuse of position (Fraud Act 2006).


Bribery and corruption are where someone is influenced by bribery, payment or benefit-in-kind to unreasonably use their position to give some advantage to another (Bribery Act 2010).

Who commits fraud?

Anyone can commit fraud against the NHS. People investigated include doctors, nurses, administration staff, managers, health care professionals, dentists, opticians, pharmacists, patients, directors, GPs and overseas patients.

Examples of fraud

The types of fraud investigated in the NHS include the following:

  • false time recording (overtime, flexi time, enhanced hours etc)
  • false qualifications/professional registrations
  • working while sick
  • claiming additional or fictitious expenses
  • false charge exemptions
  • ordering/invoices
  • mandate fraud
  • contractor claims
  • employees not having the correct or legitimate right-to-work documents
  • employees having expired right-to-work documents
  • procuring goods and services in a non-transparent and dishonest manner
  • commissioners claiming for services in respect of fictitious or ghost patients
  • false identity.

This list is not exhaustive.

What to do if you suspect a fraud?

  • DO report your suspicions confidentially to someone with the appropriate authority and experience.
  • DO deal with the matter promptly if you feel your concerns are warranted.
  • DO NOT ignore it.
  • DO NOT approach or accuse individuals directly.
  • DO NOT try to investigate the matter yourself. 
  • DO NOT convey your suspicions to anyone other than those with the proper authority.

Who to contact

The trust adopts a zero tolerance approach towards fraud being perpetrated. Therefore, if you have any concerns about fraud, bribery or corruption within the NHS, or need fraud-related advice, you can:

All referrals/discussions will be dealt with sensitively and in a professional and confidential manner.

The Royal Free London has a population health team whose aim is to improve physical and mental health outcomes, promote wellbeing and reduce health inequalities across the population and communities we serve, within and beyond the hospital walls. We do this by working with our staff, patients, communities and the wider health and care system. 

We have a strong focus on measuring and reporting on inequalities. Routine monitoring of inequalities is important to identify problems, focus on areas to change and monitor the impact of our actions. By taking a data-driven approach, we aim to identify the drivers of ill health and which populations are most affected. We can then use this insight to improve access and patient experience and reduce health inequalities.  

Smoking, alcohol, poor diet and being physically inactive are major contributors to preventable ill health, such as cancer, respiratory disease, and cardiovascular disease. They are major causes of inequalities in health. The Royal Free Faculty of Population Health supports our staff to have conversations about healthy habits with our patients to prevent these diseases and to minimise the impact of these diseases.  We work closely with our colleagues within the trust and with communities and partners outside the trust to promote healthy living and make healthy choices the easy choices.  

The team

Dr Judith Stanton, the Director of Population Health, leads the team. We are an accredited training team and host public health registrars, population health fellows and GP fellows. The population health team sits in the corporate arm of the Royal Free London group and reports to Dr Gillian Smith, group chief medical officer. 

To find out more about the work of the population team, email:​. 

Population health reports

The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust supports the Government’s objectives to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking and recognises the significant role the NHS has to play in both combatting it and supporting victims. In particular, we are committed to ensuring our supply chains and business activities are free from ethical and labour standards abuses. Steps taken to date include:


  • Appropriate pre‐employment checks on directly employed staff and agencies on approved frameworks are audited to provide assurance that pre‐employment clearance has been obtained.
  • A range of controls to protect staff from poor treatment and/or exploitation, which comply with all respective laws and regulations. These include provision of fair pay rates, fair terms and conditions of employment and access to training and development opportunities.
  • Consultation and negotiation with trade unions on proposed changes to employment, work organisation and contractual relations.
  • Established relationships with multiple external agencies and the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).

Speaking up at work

  • The Royal Free London believes that every member of staff has a duty to raise concerns at the earliest reasonable opportunity about the provision of care or any other malpractice within the trust where care and/or behaviour/conduct is believed to be inadequate or unacceptable. In addition, staff have duties imposed upon them to raise such concerns by their respective professional regulatory bodies, such as the General Medical Council, Nursing and Midwifery Council, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, Health and Care Professions Council etc.

Our supply chain

  • We purchase most of our products from UK or EU based firms, who may also be required to comply with the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015) or similar legislation in other EU states.
  • We purchase a significant number of products through NHS Supply Chain, whose ‘Supplier Code of Conduct’ includes a provision around forced labour.
  • Where possible and consistent with the public contracts' regulations, we build long‐standing relationships with suppliers.


  • Advice and training about modern slavery and human trafficking is available to staff through our safeguarding children and adults training, our safeguarding policies and procedures and our safeguarding leads.