Inflatable colonA colorectal cancer awareness event will take place in the atrium at the Royal Free Hospital (RFH) on Wednesday 8 May from 10am to 2pm.

Organised by junior doctors from the surgical department at the RFH, the event is open to the public, patients and staff, with volunteers from the colorectal team walking visitors through a blow-up colon and explaining the different pathologies inside the bowel.

The aim of the event is to make people aware of the symptoms and possible red flags to look out for, and to advise them of when to attend to a GP for a FIT test for prevention and early diagnosis. Diseases that will be shown include Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, polyps and cancer. This event will be a way of learning and understanding important physiopathological features in a fun and interactive way.

Bowel Cancer UK will also be on site to provide leaflets and information about colorectal cancer.