Information about what to do if you have an appointment or a planned operation
Our hospitals are extremely busy and our committed staff are working hard to deliver the very best care to all of our patients.
In line with recommendations from NHS England, we have plans in place to manage this high demand and ensure our patients are safe.
The Royal Free Hospital is currently in the process of essential renovation work in its theatres which was deliberately timed for the busy winter months. This means we have planned fewer operations well in advance to allow us to focus on meeting the demands of winter. In addition, the majority of planned surgery previously carried out at Barnet Hospital has now moved to Chase Farm Hospital.
Day cases, clinically urgent cases, transplants, and cancer operations are going ahead as planned. Patients with any appointments or planned operations should attend our hospitals as normal unless they are contacted by us.
If you become unwell with flu-like symptoms or diarrhoea or vomiting:
- Please let us know as soon as possible by calling the telephone number on your appointment letter.
- If you are visiting a friend or relative, please do not visit the hospital until you have been free of symptoms for 48 hours – for more advice on how you can help us keep our patients safe click here.
We are also asking the public to play their part by using our services responsibly. Knowing the right place to go at the right time can help everyone receive the care and treatment they need. This includes visiting pharmacies if you have coughs, colds and other minor ailments, and calling the free NHS 111 number for urgent advice. This can really help our staff in A&E to focus on the sickest patients.
For more information on how to stay well this winter click here.