Staff at Barnet Hospital are receiving vital support from the community in the form of donations of snacks, drinks and toiletries.
Items like hand cream, lip balm, fresh fruit, snacks and bottles of water are giving staff on the wards an extra boost and are helping to keep them going in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Royal Free Charity is helping co-ordinate the donations from local community groups who have rallied round to make sure the deliveries keep coming. The ‘community-chest’ scheme is proving a massive hit with staff who say knowing that people are thinking of them in this way is great for morale and helps them to focus on the job in hand.
Carla Bispham, community fundraiser for the Royal Free Charity at Barnet Hospital, said: “We just want to say thank you to everyone who is donating and helping our heroes. Your support means so much to them. Staff are able to get free meals at our canteen but this scheme means staff can also ‘grab and go’ essential items up on the wards.”
Judy Dewinter, chair of the Royal Free Charity, said: “The dedication being shown by staff in the response to COVID-19 (coronavirus) is remarkable and we are listening carefully to what matters to them. Staff are putting their patients first and this is a real opportunity for us to help them to take care of themselves and their families. We are determined to make sure that staff at Barnet Hospital know how much they are valued. Your support at this time is priceless.”
Debbie Sanders, Barnet Hospital chief executive, said: “Our staff are working terrifically hard at the moment and everyone’s generosity in the community we serve is deeply appreciated.”
If you are a business or local community group and want to help Barnet Hospital then please e-mail the charity at RFLHeroes@royalfreecharity.org. Deliveries need to be co-ordinated and can not be accepted otherwise.
Alternatively if you would like to help by making a donation to help support our Royal Free London staff then go to www.royalfreecharity.org to find out more.