North Mid Charity is working alongside Spread a Smile to deliver uplifting activities for patients.
For any patient, a visit to hospital can be a daunting one. Thats why North Mid Charity has been working alongside Spread a Smile in delivering regular activities for both in patient and outpatients at North Mid.
Spread a Smile began supporting North Mid during the COVID pandemic and worked with our paediatric play team to deliver virtual singing and music performances to patients.
As the relationship has developed, Spread a Smile has also been visiting North Mid once a month to offer a variety of activities including therapy dogs, singers and guitarists to our paediatric wards, oncology clinic and other paediatric areas. As a part of the visits programme, Spread a Smile also offer a wide range of virtual sessions which include weekly group sessions, half term specials, Santa’s Grotto, biscuit decorating and meeting the Easter bunny.
Along with their regular support, Spread a Smile have also been kind enough to support during celebrations across the year with their loved “treat drops”; donating art packs and Easter eggs for the past 3 years as well as donating books for World Book Day, playdoh for World Playdoh day, cozy fleece blankets and gifts for Christmas.
In December 2023, Spread a Smile supported Christmas parties for our oncology and sickle cell patients providing entertainers and a magician to help spread some festive joy.
If you would like to hear more about the amazing work that Spread a Smile offer, you can visit their website.
If you would like to find out more about other projects at North Mid Charity we would love to hear from you. Contact our fundraising manager on 020 8887 2935 or
If you wanted to donate to a specific campaign at North Mid Charity, we have a number of campaigns currently running, and you can donate to them or to our general fund online .