To commemorate No Smoking Day today (9 March 2022), North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust has launched its new Smoke-Free Trust Policy.

Alongside local Stop Smoking partners in Enfield and Haringey, staff at North Mid today also provided further support to patients and their colleagues through an information stand in the atrium.

As a health-promoting organisation, North Mid has a duty to provide a smoke-free environment for patients, staff and visitors. This means that smoking or use of E-cigarettes/vaping is not allowed anywhere in hospital buildings or grounds.

Thank you for helping us to make our hospital safer, cleaner and healthier for everyone.

Promoting a smoke-free Trust is not just about rules to stop people smoking on-site, it’s about systematically identifying those who smoke and treating their addiction as part of their routine care.

The rates of smoking in Enfield and Haringey are higher than the National and London average emphasising the importance of our work at North Mid.

Tackling tobacco dependency will help to reduce smoking prevalence and health inequalities locally, as well as promoting optimal hospital stay experiences, acute care outcomes, and the general health of those who smoke.

North Mid is committed to supporting patients with tobacco dependence. In the past seven months, more than 500 members of staff have been trained on how to give brief evidence-based advice to patients, including referring to local specialist stop smoking services.

Patients staying in our hospital can also access a range of nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) to help manage withdrawal symptoms during their stay or to support a quit attempt.

To support staff who may wish to stop smoking, we have partnered with the Smoke Free app to launch a pilot on No Smoking Day. 

All staff who work at the Trust, including contract staff, can register for free access to a top-ranking, evidence-based, paid stop smoking app which provides 24/7 support from trained stop smoking advisors for 12 weeks, at pockets reach.