North Mid is a proud anchor institution serving the communities of Enfield and Haringey. Our vision as a Trust is to provide outstanding care for all local people. In this context, our diversity, amongst our staff and residents, is an asset and we are keen to celebrate it as such. We want North Mid to be a place of belonging for our staff and our population where everyone is valued and respected. 

We embrace the responsibilities of an anchor organisation, not just because it is morally right, but because it is central to reducing health inequalities, addressing the root causes of preventable ill-health and deaths, and saving money to re-invest in higher quality care for all.

We are one of the largest single employers in Enfield and Haringey.  Whether as an employer, as a supplier of health care services or, a major purchaser of goods and services, we have a significant impact on the local economy and peoples’ lives.  Social and economic factors account for up to 80% of health outcomes. If we can actively promote fairness through all we do, we save more lives, reduce ill-health in the population overall and save money to be reinvested in other public goods.  It is a win-win for everyone.

NM2422 A fairer North Mid - our equality, diversity and inclusion strategy.pdf[pdf] 3MB launched today, maps out how we will get there. We will do this through deepening and widening our partnerships. This relates not just to other parts of the NHS, local government, and other public sector partners such as the police, but also, voluntary, community and faith groups.  We have started, and we look forward to redoubling our efforts and our reach in this space.

The Trust is clear about its journey; for staff we have listened and know what we will do together, why we want to do it, how we will do it and what success will look like.  Our journey in addressing local health inequalities continues to mature.  We are building a health picture of people and places we serve in partnership with others. The next step will be to use those partnerships to plot what we and others can co-create with people specifically to improve health outcomes.

For both health inequalities and workforce inequalities, the end points are clear.  We want to contribute to a situation where the chance situation of a person’ birth in terms of family legacy and circumstance, is no longer the key determinant of their lifetime health and well-being outcome.  We want all our staff to be fairly recruited, promoted, and managed so they feel they belong and feel able to be the best person they can be and in so doing, to deliver excellent care.

How you can get involved

Join Maggie Morgan-Valentine, our head of equality, diversity and inclusion, who will be in the atrium  on Wednesday and Thursday from 12-2pm talking about the strategy and asking you to make your pledge to making North Mid an even fair place to work.