Voting for the governor elections has now opened.
The governor seats being elected are:
Public constituency - Camden, Barnet, Enfield & Hertfordshire 3 seats
Patient constituency 3 seats
Staff constituency 1 seat
Ballot packs for the elections have been issued today (5 September 2019).
Members of the patient constituency and the public (Camden, Barnet, Enfield and Hertfordshire constituency) will be sent information about how to vote by email or post on Thursday 5 September 2019.
About your vote
You will receive voting information by email or by post
If you receive your voting information by email please note that each email is unique to the recipient and contains a personal voting code that it is used to authenticate your vote. For this reason it is very important that you do not forward your email to someone else as it will cause unnecessary confusion and could result in you being unable to cast your own vote.
Before voting please watch this short film "What should you look for when accessing candidates?”
How to vote online
When you receive your email, click the blue button marked ‘vote now’ to access the voting site. You will be taken to your ballot paper where you will be able to click links to read each candidate’s election statement.
Click to confirm the declaration of identity.
Vote by ranking the candidates in order of choice – 1,2,3 etc. until you cannot choose between those that remain.
You must indicate a preference for at least one candidate for your vote to be counted. You may indicate a preference for all the candidates if you wish. You may not use the same number more than once and your sequence must be unbroken.
Click the ‘Next step’ button to review your ballot paper.
You will be taken to a screen where your choices will be presented in your order of preference. If you are happy click the ‘Cast my vote now’ button. If you want to change the order of your choices click the ‘previous step’ button.
When you have submitted your vote you will have the option to share that you have voted (but not how you have voted) using a range of social media options. This will help to encourage other members to vote.
Please note that once you have clicked the ‘Cast my vote now’ button your vote cannot be changed.
How to vote by post
Please remember that if you receive voting information by post you can still vote online by going to the address shown on your ballot paper and entering your unique voting code.
When you receive your voting pack it will contain a ballot paper, declaration of identify, a copy of the candidates’ election statements and a pre-paid return envelope.
Complete the declaration of identity.
Mark the ballot paper by ranking the candidates in order of choice – 1,2,3 etc. until you cannot choose between those that remain.
You must indicate a preference for at least one candidate for your vote to be counted. You may indicate a preference for all the candidates if you wish. You may not use the same number more than once and your sequence must be unbroken. Do not mark your ballot paper with a cross.
Place your completed ballot paper in the envelope marked ‘ballot paper only’ and put it and your completed declaration of identity in the pre-paid reply envelope.
Post it without delay so that it is received before the deadline which is 5pm on Thursday 26 September.
If you have any questions about the voting process please contact Mi-Voice by email: support@mi-voice.com