This organ donation week (3-7 September) staff, visitors and patients are being encouraged to think about the importance of organ donation.
The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust is proud to support organ donation week. As a liver and transplanting centre, thousands of patient lives have been transformed at the Royal Free Hospital over the years. In 2017-2018 139 kidneys and 118 livers were transplanted at the Royal Free Hospital.
Last year at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust five people – who had passed away – became organ donors, which resulted in 15 life-saving transplants.
There are currently 24.9 million people on the organ donor register, which is 38% of the population, but in London only 30% of the population are registered, which is the lowest proportion for the UK.
Helen Foley, specialist nurse for organ donation, based at the Royal Free Hospital and Barnet Hospital, said: “I want to encourage people, especially Londoners, to sign up to the organ donor register and also to discuss their wishes with their loved ones.
“It’s a difficult conversation to have but being able to give the gift of life, in what will be the worst of times for your family, can ultimately give lasting comfort to your nearest and dearest.”
At the Royal Free Hospital there will be a stand in the canteen (lower ground floor) from 11am to 2pm on 5 September. At Barnet Hospital there will also be a stand in-between the Patient Advice Liaison Service (PALS) and the hospital shop (ground floor) from 11am to 2pm on 4 September.
For more information and to sign up to the organ donation register visit www.organdonation.nhs.uk or call 0300 123 23 23
(Pic L-R: Alice Workman and Helen Foley, specialist nurses for organ donation, based at the Royal Free Hospital and Barnet Hospital)