The health and care system across North Central London (NCL) - clinical commissioning groups, local authorities and NHS providers - are working together to develop an NCL-wide sustainability and transformation plan (STP). This will set out how local health and care services will transform and become sustainable over the next five years, building and strengthening local relationships and ultimately delivering the Five Year Forward View vision.
For the NHS to meet the needs of future patients in a sustainable way, we need to close the gaps in health, finance and quality of care between where we are now and where we need to be in 2020/21.
In order to create a better future for the NHS, we must make changes to how local people live, access care, and how this care is delivered. This doesn’t mean doing less for patients or reducing the quality of care provided. It means more preventative care, finding new ways to meet people’s needs, and identifying ways to do things more efficiently.
Our vision:
- To improve health and wellbeing outcomes for the people of North Central London and ensure sustainable health and social care services, built around the needs of local people.
- To develop new models of care to achieve better outcomes for all, focused on prevention and out of hospital care.
- To work in partnership to commission, contract and deliver services efficiently and safely.
The STP is an opportunity to continue to work together over the North Central London area (known as a ‘footprint’) and look at how we can do this better. This is a challenging piece of work, but the opportunities to improve care and the quality of health and care services are considerable.
We are currently developing our plan on an iterative basis. We made a submission to NHS England in June setting out our initial thinking which we are continuing to refine and develop. This is the progress update at September 2016. We will be submitting further thinking by the end of October and would anticipate being in a position to discuss potential long term solutions from early 2017.
All of this work has been based on the case for change, developed by the STP’s Clinical Cabinet, who are advising us on the plan to ensure it reflects the best clinical expertise from a range of health and care professionals. We are also starting an on-going programme of engagement and discussion with local people which we expect to continue over the coming months.
The following organisations are working together on the NCL STP:
- Clinical Commissioning Groups: Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington.
- Local Authorities: Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington.
- Providers: Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust; Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust; Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust; Central London Community Health Care NHS Trust; Great Ormond Street Hospital; Moorfields Eye Hospital; North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust; Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust; Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital; Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust; University College London; Whittington Hospital.
For further information on the NCL sustainability and transformation plan, please contact the NCL STP team on or the Royal Free London communications team on