Nominations for elections to the council of governors at Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust are now open. There are three seats open for patient governors.
Eligible candidates must have been a patient at any RFL sites during the last six years which makes them part of the patient constituency.
The council of governors acts as a source of ideas about how the trust can best provide its healthcare services in ways that meet the needs of members and the wider local community. In addition it ensures that the trust follows NHS values, principles and the terms of its licence.
Governor responsibilities include: working with the RFL board of directors to produce plans for the future of the trust; agreeing the payment levels of non-executive directors (including the chairman); and attending meetings of the council of governors, which take place seven times a year.
The deadline for nominations is 11.59pm on Monday, 19 February 2018. Notice of withdrawal of candidates must be given in writing by 5pm on Thursday, 22 February 2018. In the event of a contested election, voting information will be sent to members.
Voting closes at 5pm on Thursday, 29 March 2018 and results will be announced on March 30.
If you would like to have an informal chat about the governor role contact Matt Keirle, membership and governance manager: matt.keirle@nhs.net
To submit a nomination online visit: www.mi-nomination.com/royalfree
For further information or to receive the nomination form in another format contact:
Email: support@mi-voice.com
Phone: 023 8076 3987
Text: 07800 005280
Post: Mi-Voice, Gamma House, Enterprise Road, Southampton SO16 7NS