This edition, which has been redesigned, sets out our group and local priorities, and shares stories of staff who are already contributing to our ambitions.

You can read about how we are improving access to kidney transplants through a new fitness programme, meet the nuclear medicine team who are helping diagnose cancers faster than ever before and learn about how we are delivering world-class care for patients with rare disorders.

This edition also features contributions from staff who share how they are caring for our patients and helping to achieve our clinical vision.

"We have captured our clinical priorities in our five year clinical strategy which has been launched after engagement with staff from across our sites," said Peter Landstrom, group chief executive.

"In this edition you’ll find some real examples of how our strategy is already delivering for our patients – and you can read more across all of our channels in the weeks, months, and years ahead. Every single member of staff has a role to play."

2024 clinical strategy Freepress special edition cover