A trio of New Year baby boys has arrived at the Royal Free Hospital.
First to greet 2019 was Radvin who weighed 3.6 kilos. He is 37-year-old Samira Faridnia’s first child.
Samira, who lives in Cricklewood, was due to have her baby on Christmas Day but Radvin had other plans and made his arrival at just 16 minutes past midnight on New Year’s Day.
She said: “I’m tired because it was a long labour but I’m so happy to see him. He’s wonderful. Radvin means ‘young man’ in Persian.”

Radvin was the first baby born at the the Royal Free Hospital in 2019
Next to arrive was Arti at 9.02am for new mum Basrije Tahiri, from Hendon. He weighed 4.3 kilos.

Arti was the second baby to arrive on New Year's Day
Finally, Omer Harel, 34, and Dana Burger, 36, welcomed their first child at 9.19am. The couple from Belsize Park’s first baby was born at 9.19am, weighing 2.3 kilos.
Omer said: “We had planned for a home birth but in the end we needed help so were brought in by ambulance. The Jewish custom is not to name your baby until after they are born so we haven’t decided on a name yet but he is certainly making his presence felt. The sleep deprivation is already kicking in. It’s love at first sight though!”

Love at first sight for Omer and Dana with their newborn son