We all experience stress and need it to function, but when stress interferes with our lives it becomes a problem. To mark stress awareness month (1-30 April), Royal Free London mental health first aiders share their top tips for managing stress.
“I take time out by breathing slowly for five minutes and remembering what’s going well. This tends to do the trick to reduce stress. I also love walking and watching a good film.” Zahrah Awaleh, chaplain, spiritual care
“Find one thing or a few things that spark joy in your life. Take the time to write them down somewhere. When things get tough dip into one of them even if you don’t feel like doing. One of mine is taking my dog to the park!” Elly Rosier, HR administrator in psychological support
“Stop doing start being - in other words, I will remember to take time out, time for myself. To taste my food for example, to listen to a song not just to hear it.” Carol Menashy, MFHA and SISOS listeners lead
“A walk away from desk and towards the Heath, even if it is just for 15 minutes helps.” Shalu Shaw, clinical pathway manager in T&O pain podiatry
“If I was feeling stressed and was at work, I would go and get coffee and have five minutes out, then return.” Steve Downer, support services team leader
Taking time out with therapy dogs
During stress awareness month, staff at Barnet Hospital visited the REST staff spaces to meet Zac and Josh the leonberger therapy dogs. This is all thanks to the support of the Royal Free Charity.
Our staff at Barnet Hospital have been taking some time out with therapy dogs, Zac and Josh.