Staff at the Royal Free London have been treated to an egg-straordinary gift to say thank you to NHS staff working on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic this Easter.
A whopping 10,000 eggs Malteser and Mars chocolate eggs have been donated by confectionary giant Mars and the Israeli charity Magen David Adom UK, have also donated a further 4,000 chocolate eggs. In addition Lindt have sent 400 golden bunnies which have been sent to the trust’s satellite sites to ensure no-one is left out.
The donations come at the end of another busy week for Free @ the Free and our community chests at Barnet Hospital.
Kelly Rush, who is organising deliveries on behalf of the charity, said: “We know the eggs will be a massive hit with all staff and put a smile on their faces.”
“I also want to say a massive thank to the Royal Free Charity volunteers who are all pitching in to make sure all our donated eggs and bunnies get delivered in time. It feels amazing to be able to do our bit.”
Caroline Clarke, chief executive of the Royal Free London group, said: “My staff inspire me, amaze me and leave me in awe every single day. I have never been more proud to be their chief executive.
“Having something for themselves means the world to our staff. I’m so delighted that big business and our communities are showing their appreciation.”

Some of the therapies team at Barnet Hospital with their golden eggs!
If you are a business and want to help our hospitals then please e-mail the charity at RFLHeroes@royalfreecharity.org. Deliveries need to be co-ordinated and can not be accepted otherwise.
Alternatively if you would like to help by making a donation to help support our Royal Free London staff then go to www.royalfreecharity.org to find out more.
(Picture: L-R Richard Scarth, Royal Free Charity chief executive and Carole Clarke, Royal Free London group chief executive)