Our Macmillan information and support specialists can offer information and a confidential listening service to anyone affected by cancer.  

They can also let you know about other local organisations that can help you or your family deal with the emotional impact of your diagnosis. 

Psychological Support 

A clinical psychologist is available at the Royal Free hospital Maggie’s centre. You can also ask us about counselling services in your local area. 

Support groups 

Support groups offer the opportunity to talk with others who have similar experiences. We can let you know about support groups local to you, but the following groups run with the help of our cancer specialist nurses at or near our hospitals: 

Oesophageal-gastric cancer support group with Heartburn Cancer UK. This group takes place at Chase Farm hospital. Please ask your specialist cancer nurse if you would like to attend. 

The bowel cancer support group takes place at the Royal Free hospital Maggie’s centre. 

Support for those who have completed their treatment 

When treatment has finished, you may find it difficult to readjust to everyday life and to cope with the emotional impact of cancer and its treatment.  

These helpful courses currently run at our hospitals with members of the cancer nursing or information service teams: 

Moving Forward with Breast Cancer Now. This workshop is held at Chase Farm Hospital over two half days for those who are at or near the end of their treatment for breast cancer.  
To book a place, register online or speak to your cancer specialist nurse. 

The Macmillan HOPE course (Help to Overcome Problems Effectively) is designed to help people living with cancer to recognise their strengths and help them cope emotionally and practically. This workshop takes place at the Royal Free and Chase Farm hospitals. To book a place please ask your Macmillan information centre or support worker. HOPE is also available remotely as a self-directed programme which you can complete independently, in your own time, and at your own pace.  

Self-directed HOPE programme – Help Overcoming Problems Effectively online - Macmillan is where you can find out more and register for the online programme. 

Other emotional support 

We have up-to-date information on other forms of emotional support for people affected by cancer available either through our hospitals or closer to your home or workplace.  

These include local support groups and activities such as yoga, mindfulness and relaxation techniques. At Chase Farm hospital there are opportunities for some patients to attend creative writing workshops or to have one-to-one craft sessions in the chemotherapy unit. Creative expression is known to help people work through their feelings. Please ask us for details. 

Anyone registered with a GP can also use NHS talking therapies. These are confidential treatments delivered by fully trained NHS practitioners.  
They can help with common emotional problems like stress, anxiety and depression, and include guided self-help, cognitive behavioural therapy and counselling.  

You can access them for free via a GP referral or you can refer yourself. 

There are a number of videos, audio guides and apps which you may find useful to help to manage your emotional wellbeing:

Cancer and Emotional Wellbeing – a video by Cancer Wellbeing London, discusses emotional wellbeing when you have cancer, how to cope with feelings, and gives suggestions on where to get help.

The NHS website offers a collection of mental wellbeing audio guides designed to help boost your mood. These include self-help for low mood, anxiety, sleep and unhelpful thinking.

Blood Cancer UK has some short relaxation and breathing exercises on its website.

Macmillan has partnered with Big Health to enable patients with cancer to access two free apps providing digital help whenever you need it: Sleepio, for poor sleep and insomnia, and Daylight, for worry and anxiety.