While you are receiving treatment at the Royal Free London, you should have a named contact or cancer nurse specialist (CNS). If you do not know who they are, please ask
Your clinical team will explain your cancer and its treatment plan to you. For more information you can contact any of our Macmillan cancer information and support centres. You can also visit the following websites:
• NHS: cancer care and treatment
• Macmillan Cancer Support
• Cancer Research UK
• Marie Curie (for information on palliative care or advanced cancer)
As part of your personalised cancer care, you may be offered a holistic needs assessment (HNA) with a member of your clinical team.
An HNA is a discussion about any concerns you may have and allows you to highlight what matters to you. The discussion results in the creation of your personalised care and support plan, which can be shared with your GP if you wish. Please speak to your nurse or Macmillan support worker if you have any concerns about this.
You may also be invited to attend a group appointment, called a Health and Wellbeing event. These are structured education sessions offering practical information and advice to support your wellbeing during, and after, cancer treatment. The session offered before you start anti-cancer treatment is called PREPARE, and the session offered after the end of treatment is called HOPE. We offer these as group sessions so that you can meet others, and we encourage sharing of experiences and peer-support. If you are interested in coming along, please ask your nurse, Macmillan support worker or Macmillan information centre.
Most cancer types have an associated patient support organisation or charity. To find out more about these, ask your Macmillan cancer information and support centre.
Once you have received a cancer diagnosis you can get free prescriptions. Ask your GP, clinical team or Macmillan information centre about applying.
If you have already received, or are undergoing tests to confirm, a cancer diagnosis, you may be eligible for concessionary parking at our hospitals. Find out more by searching for the hospital or site you're visiting via our locations page, or access the links below for parking information for our three hospitals.
Support during your hospital stay
Being a cancer patient on a ward can often feel lonely and isolating. The services below are available to you as an inpatient at our trust:
The chaplaincy-spiritual care team
For everyone of any faith, belief, or philosophy of life. The team can be contacted to visit you on the ward, or they have weekly services.
Complementary therapy massage
Patients with any medical condition may be able to have massage and can be referred for treatment by a member of their multi-disciplinary team (the Royal Free Hospital only).
The Royal Free Charity’s volunteers are on the wards during daytime hours and may help with small tasks. They are also good listeners if you are feeling alone and need someone to talk to.
Read more about staying in our hospitals.
After your hospital stay
There are voluntary organisations that offer support at home and other services once you have been discharged from hospital.
Home support
The following organisations offer support at home to complement any discharge packages in place:
The Red Cross can provide a support at home service in certain areas. Ask your doctor or nurse if you would like to be referred to this service.
Age UK offer many services including home help and other information and advice.
Call the advice line on 0800 678 1602 between 8am-7pm every day of the year to find out what’s available in your area.
Befriending support
After you leave you hospital, you may feel lonely and isolated. The following organisations offer befriending services:
Macmillan Cancer Support offers a Buddies scheme for patients with cancer which can be telephone-based, or sometimes in-person.
The Silver Line helpline on 0800 470 8090 is a free, 24-hour telephone service for older people. They offer friendship, support, and a listening ear.
Age UK offer many services for anyone over 55 including befriending. Call the advice line on 0800 678 1602 from 8am-7pm every day of the year to ask about what is available in your area.
Marie Curie companions service is a free service offering emotional and practical support to those with a terminal illness. Support is available on the phone and sometimes in the home, depending on where you live and your circumstances.