This leaflet answers common questions about children’s clavicle fractures. If you would like further information, or have any worries, please do not hesitate to ask your nearest clinician.

What is a children’s clavicle fracture?
Your child has fractured their clavicle (collar bone).
This type of fracture is common in children, and it usually heals well - the only treatment required is a sling and painkiller. Your child needs to wear the sling for two weeks if tolerated to enable the soft tissues to heal.
We would expect the collar bone to be painful for the first 7 to 10 days. Your child will not be using their arm much, but this will improve with time. Simple pain relief - for example paracetamol and / or ibuprofen - can be beneficial. Your child may find it more comfortable to sleep sitting upright for a few days after the injury.
The shoulder and arm can be moved out of the sling as comfort allows. This is usually around two weeks after the injury but can be sooner if comfortable.
The bump over the fracture is quite normal and is produced by healing bone. It may take up to one year to disappear. If your child is older than 10 years a small bump may remain. Your child may return to sports such as swimming as soon as comfortable but should avoid rough play and contact sports (such as football, rugby, and basketball) for six weeks.
If your child is still experiencing significant symptoms after several months, please phone the fracture clinic for an appointment.

How can I get a certificate for school?
You can get a fitness for school statement from your GP or the doctor at your fracture clinic appointment.