This leaflet answers common questions about having a fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing procedure (FEES) at our specialist swallowing clinic. If you would like further information, or have any particular worries, please do not hesitate to ask your nurse or doctor.
In all cases, a doctor will explain the procedure to you and answer any questions you may have. In most cases it will be possible for a friend or relative to accompany you for all or part of the procedure. Please ask your nurse or doctor.

What is FEES examination?
A fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing procedure (FEES) at our specialist swallowing clinic is to investigate the problem with your swallowing. You will be seen by our speech and language therapists who are trained to assess and treat swallowing problems. The FEES examination enables us to try different foods and/or different techniques to help you swallow more effectively.
What does a FEES examination involve?
A team of two or three people will carry out the examination. This team will be made up of two speech and language therapists and possibly one doctor. Other members of staff, such as a nurse may also be present.
A small, flexible endoscope (thin tube) will be placed into one nostril and moved through your nose until a clear view of your throat is obtained. You will be given some food and liquid to swallow. This will be dyed with a small amount of green food dye to enable a clear view of your swallowing. Your swallowing will be observed and recorded for analysis later.
What will the examination show?
The FEES examination allows us to look in your throat while you are swallowing to show:
- How well you manage to swallow food and drink.
- If anything gets stuck in your throat and if so, where and what can be done to help you.
- If any food and drink go down the wrong way – into your lungs instead of your oesophagus (food pipe).
- The safest way you can manage your eating and drinking.
- Ways in which we can help improve your swallowing.
What are the risks?
The procedure is safe and rarely has side effects. At times the passing of the endoscope through the nose can cause mild to moderate discomfort. Once the endoscope is positioned above the throat, any discomfort usually lessens.
How long does the procedure take?
The procedure takes approximately 15 minutes, but you can expect the whole appointment to last 30-45 minutes.
On the day of the FEES examination
Unless you have been advised otherwise, you can eat and drink as normal before your examination. If you are currently feeding through a tube, you can take your feeds as normal up until your examination.
After the examination
You can return to the ward or go home immediately after your examination. If appropriate, a follow-up appointment will be made for you to see the speech and language therapist to discuss the results in more detail, and to give you further advice and exercises to make your swallowing easier.
When will I know the results?
You will be given some basic feedback and advice immediately after the procedure and detailed results will be available when a report has been written. If you are an out-patient, a report will be sent to your GP and will be filed in your medical notes.
Related patient information
EAT 10 questionnaire (pdf format)