An appointment has been arranged for you to attend our hospital so impressions can be taken of your ear(s). This will allow us to order new earmould(s) for you. When the earmould(s) are ready, we will contact you for them to be attached to your hearing aid(s).

Before the appointment
Please ensure that your ears are free of wax prior to the appointment by consulting your GP. The appointment will not be able to be completed if your ear/s are blocked with earwax. If you feel that you do not need this appointment, please contact the audiology team. If you require additional support for the appointment, for example an interpreter or patient transport, please contact us in advance.
During the appointment
An audiologist or associate audiologist will call you into the consultation room and ask you some questions to ensure the earmould(s) requested is the most suitable for you. They will proceed to examine your ear/s and if the ear/s are clear, a small piece of soft sponge will be temporarily inserted into your ear canal. The clinician will mix up some putty in their hands to syringe it into your ear canal.
This putty is at room temperature and will be in your ear canal for approximately five minutes. Once hardened, the material will be removed from your ear.
It is this impression that is used to make your earmould. If at any time during the procedure, you cough or your ear feels ticklish, please do not worry as this is normal. It is important that you avoid speaking while the putty is in your ear/s as it can affect the outcome of the impression.
If you experience any discomfort at any point during the procedure, please let the clinician know immediately. In total the appointment will take approximately 15 minutes.