This information explains ways in which you can continue to access support and advice about your health following your Maxillofacial outpatient appointment. If you have any concerns or questions that are not answered in this leaflet, please contact the maxillofacial pathway coordinator
(020 8216 4294 or 020 8375 2287) or your GP surgery

What is patient initiated follow-up?
Patient initiated follow-up (PIFU) puts you in control of your follow-up appointment. Instead of being offered regular visits, you can make an appointment to see us if you have worries or concerns following your consultation.
You will be given ‘open access’ to the clinic for a period of six to 12 months from the date of your outpatient appointment (depending on the details given to you at your appointment), which means that if you are concerned about your condition, you can contact us and you will receive a remote (phone) or face-to-face consultation within two weeks.
The reason we offer follow-up this way is because most patients do not benefit from having a regular outpatient follow-up and many patients find the follow-up visits to the hospital cause a lot of anxiety and unnecessary disruption. By offering appointment bookings in this way, we hope to be able to respond to your needs more quickly.
What should I expect?
After your appointment with the doctor, you may not need to have regular scheduled appointments at the hospital. In some specific cases, your consultant may book you for further procedures or want to see you in their clinic personally to discuss potential further treatments or tests that you may require. If this is the case, you will already have been told about this and an appointment letter will be sent to you in the post.
A follow up appointment can be activated if you have ongoing concerns about your condition or if your condition changes significantly beyond that expected or if you require further information or clinical input that cannot be met by your GP.
When to book an appointment
A follow up appointment can be activated if you have ongoing concerns about your condition or if your condition changes significantly beyond that expected or if you require further information or clinical input that cannot be met by your GP.
How to book an appointment
Please email rf-tr.
If you do not have email access, please contact our pathway coordinator on 020 8216 4294 or 020 8375 2287. The hospital will send you a confirmation letter with the date and time of the appointment in the post.
This ‘open invitation’ is for six to 12 months (depending on the details given to you at your last appointment) following your appointment unless specified otherwise. After this time, please contact your GP for a new referral.