Your views matter to us. Please tell us about your experience at North Middlesex University Hospital. Your feedback is important because it will help us know what we are doing well and where we need to improve. Your comments will always be fed back to relevant staff and acted upon.

When we get it right, please let us know. Your positive comments are greatly appreciated by our staff and help to ensure that good practice is shared.
Please get in touch with our patient experience team:
Tel: 020 8887 3172
Email: northmid.
Help, advice and concerns
If you need advice or have concerns about your care or treatment, please discuss this with a member of staff or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).
Our PALS team can offer you help and support, answer your questions and resolve your concerns quickly.
What can PALS do?
- If you have a problem with a ward or clinic or member of staff, PALS can talk to them on your behalf to help find a resolution.
- PALS can help with general enquiries about the hospital and its services
- If you have any ideas about how we can make things better, PALS can act on this and let you know the outcome.
- PALS can help you if you want to make a formal complaint.
When things have gone wrong or if you are not happy with your care or treatment, please let us know and we will investigate your complaint. This process will be facilitated by the complaints team.
You can contact the team:
Tel: 020 8887 3858
Email: northmid.
Write to us: Complaints Department, North Middlesex University Hospital, Sterling Way, London, N18 1QX
What happens when I lodge a complaint?
- We will write to acknowledge receipt of your complaint. You will be offered a choice to come in for a meeting or receive a written response.
- We will then carry out an investigation into the issues raised. This may involve us discussing the complaint with you in further detail, either on the telephone or in person.
We will provide you with a response, usually in writing, within 30 working days or within the agreed timeline for more complex cases, outlining the outcome of our investigation and what action we will be taking.
If your complaint relates to a friend or relative, then we will seek their consent as part of patient confidentiality. Complaints should be made within 12 months of the incident concerned or as soon as you become aware that there is cause for complaint.
Independent support for making a complaint
Free confidential help and support to make a complaint is available from POhWER, an independent complaints advocacy service:
Tel: 0300 456 2370 (charge at standard network rate) Minicom: 0300 456 2364.
Email: LondonIHCAS
Website: www.
Write to: London IHCAS, Advocacy Hub, PO Box 14043, Birmingham, B6 9BL
The parliamentary and health service ombudsman
Is a completely independent of both the NHS and the government. Their address is:
Millbank Tower 30 Millbank Westminster London SW1P 4QP