This leaflet answers common questions about your child’s dietetic appointment. If you would like further information, or have any worries, please contact us.

Prior to your child’s dietetic telephone our team require the following for you to get the most out of your 30-minute appointment for your child.
Please be in a quiet place so you can give the clinician your full attention. Please also provide the following information at the start of the appointment:
- An up-to-date weight and ideally a height (please see attached instructions for taking measurements at home).
- An accurate record of what your child usually eats over three days, including the name of milk or any specialised milks, quantity and frequency of milk, any other fluids and the name of medications including multivitamins, including the dose and content.
- If your child’s intake changes e.g., at weekends, please have this information available.
- If your child is eating at school or with the childminder. Please ensure you have details of what they are eating and drinking at breakfast, breaktime, lunchtime and after school.
If we don’t have all the above information, the team cannot give a clear plan of action and you will be asked to re-book your appointment.
Demand for paediatric dietetic appointments is high and if you are not available to take the call around the time of your appointment this will be recorded as a “did not attend” appointment. If you cancel on two occasions your child will be discharged from our dietetic care.
The paediatric dietetic team warmly look forward to fully supporting your child and their nutritional needs.
Useful links
- Food diary for children
- Information leaflet on measuring height remotely (pdf format)
- Information leaflet on measuring weight remotely (pdf format)
- Information leaflet on measuring length remotely (pdf format)