This leaflet provides information about the stroke education group, a psychological support service for families and carers of patients on the 6 South Ward at the Royal Free Hospital.

How can the stroke education group help you?
The group offers:
- A friendly, informal space to connect with other families and carers.
- Information and advice on stroke, stroke recovery, self-care, and overall well-being.
- Relaxation and mindfulness exercises to promote mental well-being.
- Guidance and signposting to additional services and resources.
Our aim is to support you in understanding and managing the challenges associated with stroke care and recovery.
Who provides the service and what does it involve?
The psychology team facilitates the group bi-weekly in the 6 South Ward gym, with a nursing or therapy staff member present to answer questions. It provides a safe, inclusive space for families and carers to share experiences, ask questions, and learn support strategies.
How to join
To attend the group, speak with a member of staff on the ward, or say "yes" when we come around for participants. We encourage all family members and carers to join and benefit from the support offered.
What happens when I’m referred to the stroke education group?
A team member will inform you of the next session’s date and time. You can then join us at the 6 South Gym with other families and carers. We may also ask for feedback via a survey.
Information shared in the stroke education group remains confidential between you and the facilitators. With your consent, we may share relevant details with the clinical team to support your loved one's care.
We will not share your information outside the care team without consent, except when:
- There is a risk of serious harm to you or others.
- We are legally required to do so.
In such cases, we will discuss it with you whenever possible. For audit purposes, basic details (eg. demographics, topics discussed, and related contact) are securely stored in the trust's psychology database to improve service quality. Sharing demographics is optional.
If you have concerns about confidentiality, please ask the facilitator.
Useful contacts
Stroke Association
A charity organisation who supports stroke survivors in rebuilding their lives through specialist care, research, advocacy, fundraising, and volunteer-driven services.
Helpline: 0303 3033 100
Website: www.
For families and carers: www.
Different Strokes
A charity organisation that helps younger stroke survivors and their families to reclaim their lives through active peer support.
Information line: 0345 130 7172
Website: www.
Virtual meeting for carers of young stroke survivors: www.
Royal Free Charity
Various support for families and carers.
Tel: 020 7794 0500, extension 39963.
Email: rf.
Website: www.
Support hub: Support and Information for patients and carers, predominantly focussing on welfare and housing:
Royal Free Hospital chaplaincy
Spiritual care services.
Tel: 020 7830 2742, extension 33096.
Talking Therapies
A free, confidential NHS service which provides psychological treatment for depression and anxiety disorders.
Website: www.
A mental health charity.
Website: www.
A charity that provides emotional support for anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 116 123 (24/7) or 111 for advice.
Website: www.