This leaflet outlines what you and your child can expect from your visit to the paediatric eye clinic and will help you prepare for the appointment. If you would like further information, or have any worries, please do not hesitate to ask your nurse or doctor.
Children under the age of 16 should be accompanied to their appointment by a parent or guardian.

What will happen during the appointment?
Our team of eye health professionals will carry out various tests and assessments on the day of your visit:
- Firstly, an orthoptist will measure vision or perform a vision assessment plus check the eye movement and assess for strabismus (squint).
- An optometrist will assess the need for glasses.
- Finally, an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) will look at all the information gathered from the team and review the medical notes. The doctor will complete a full medical eye examination and discuss with you the condition and any treatment that may be required.
Waiting times in the clinic?
To minimise the number of visits patients make to the hospital, we try to carry out all the tests that are required during one visit. Please allow a few hours for the appointment as this will involve a wait between tests. The waiting time varies from patient to patient, but you could be in the clinic most of the morning or most of the afternoon.
You may notice that a patient who arrived after you is called forward before you. This may be because the relevant health professional or equipment for their test has become available.
We make sure we see each patient in a timely, efficient manner according to their medical needs.
As part of the eye assessment, eye drops will be used to dilate the pupils. The drops take a minimum of 30 minutes to take effect and can sting a little, although this wears off quite quickly. Sight can remain blurry for up to four hours after the drops have been put in.
What to bring with you
When visiting the eye clinic, please remember to bring the following in with you to ensure we can complete all the investigations necessary:
- A list of current medications.
- Current glasses.
- An optician’s report if you have one available.
- Food, toys, or books to help during the times you are waiting.
Changing or cancelling your appointment
The Trust runs eye clinics for children at:
- Barnet Hospital.
- Edgware Community Hospital
- The Royal Free Hospital.
If you would like to change or cancel your appointment at any hospital, please telephone 020 7443 9757.
If your GP made the appointment through the ‘choose and book’ system, you will need to telephone the general telephone appointment line on 0345 608 8888. Your GP should have advised you if this is the case.
If on the day of your child’s appointment you need to contact the eye clinic, please use the following telephone numbers:
Barnet Hospital
Tel: 020 8216 4958.
Edgware Community Hospital
Tel: 020 3758 2409.
Royal Free Hospital
Tel: 020 7443 9757.