What is a wrist sprain injury?

You have sustained a wrist sprain. The x-ray did not show a fracture


You have irritated the ligaments around your wrist, which means moving the wrist can be painful. The pain and swelling can take several weeks to settle.

Smoking will slow down your healing. We would advise that you stop smoking while your fracture heals. Talk to your GP for more information.

Caring for your injury

You will have been supplied with a Futura splint to provide support and comfort to your injured wrist (as shown). We suggest trying to move the fingers and thumb regularly, so they don’t get stiff. This splint has Velcro straps and can be removed.

Recommended treatment is rest, elevation, ice, and anti-inflammatories (the hospital will advise if you are safe to take these). 

You should refrain from any contact sports or loading activities including driving until you have pain-free wrist movement.

Follow up

If you still have pain after two weeks, please contact the clinic and we will offer you a consultation.


You must be able to perform an emergency stop safely, not limited by pain. If this is not possible, do not drive. Please refer to the DVLA website regarding your fitness to drive if required.

Fitness for work statement

You can get a fitness for work statement from your GP or the doctor at your fracture clinic appointment.