Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. We understand that it can be difficult, but the sooner you quit, the sooner you will notice changes to your physical and mental health. 

Please find information below about smoking at the Royal Free London and how we can support you to stop smoking.

All Royal Free London sites are smoke free

Smoking is not permitted anywhere on Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust premises or grounds, including all outside areas. This means that patients, visitors, and staff are not permitted to smoke (or use e-cigarettes and vapes) anywhere at Barnet Hospital, Chase Farm Hospital, or the Royal Free Hospital. 

Accessing advice and support

With support from stop smoking specialists and medication, most people find it easier to stop than if they tried on their own. There are lots of options to choose from, such as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), self-help materials and support from your local pharmacy, GP or community stop smoking services (who offer advice on the best ways to quit and help with NRT). 

When you are admitted to one of our hospitals you should be:  

  • asked if you smoke
  • given advice on the harmful effects of smoking and offered help to stop smoking
  • prescribed medication to help you stop smoking
  • referred to a stop smoking specialist in the hospital for extra support, if you are happy for us to do so
  • referred to the community stop smoking team to support you with your ongoing attempt to quit, if you are happy for us to do so

At your appointment, you should be: 

  • asked if you smoke. 
  • given advice on the harmful effects of smoking and offered help to stop smoking.
  • offered a referral to a local stop smoking service.

You can also ask your doctor to refer you to your local stop smoking service and prescribe you medication. Nicotine replacement therapy products are also available to buy over the counter from all pharmacies, including at our three hospital sites, or you can ask your GP to prescribe them. 

You are three times more likely to quit with the help of your local stop smoking service;  there is a variety of effective support available. For more information, contact one of the services below: 

Stop Smoking London

Tel: 0300 123 1044

Better Health

Visit the NHS Better Health website to download the free NHS Quit Smoking app.

Local borough smoking cessation services

These services provide free support to help you stop smoking. Please note service provision may vary for each borough). Follow the links below to each of the borough websites. 

Our tobacco dependency service supports patients to stop smoking, through providing nicotine replacement therapy and signposting to community stop smoking services. If you want to find out more about the Tobacco Dependency Service, please contact