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Therapy services
Service page
Our staff work across various specialties providing inpatient (ward-based) and outpatient services (in clinic, by appointment). The therapy services team is made up of the following allied health…
Gynaecology cancer and colposcopy
Service page
Gynaecology cancer We offer rapid access clinics for gynaecology cancer and follow-up clinics for women with suspected gynaecological malignancy. We treat early-stage gynaecological…
Urogynaecology and pelvic floor
Service page
Urogynaecology services include the care of women with incontinence, bladder problems including recurrent urinary tract infections, bladder pain and voiding difficulties. Urodynamic testing…
Dr Bryan Sheinman
Clinician page
Dr Himender Makker
Clinician page
Dr Stefan Lozewicz
Clinician page
Dr Bhagyashree Jayaraman
Clinician page
Intravenous (IV) iron therapy
Leaflet page
Neonatal units
Service page
Our neonatal units provide special care for babies who need to be monitored closely because they have been born slightly early or are unwell. This service is available at both Barnet…
Dr Ian Moonsie
Clinician page
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