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Service page
Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. At the Royal Free London, physiotherapy is provided based on each patient’s…
Pulmonary hypertension
Service page
The pulmonary hypertension (PH) team at the Royal Free Hospital is a dedicated team of specialists committed to providing world-class care and expertise to patients suffering from pulmonary…
Nuclear medicine
Service page
Nuclear medicine uses radioactive material (usually in the form of a powder or liquid) to diagnose and treat diseases. Several different techniques are used to investigate or treat a wide range of…
Community Diagnostic Centre
Service page
The Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) at Finchley Memorial Hospital provides a range of planned diagnostic procedures such as checks, scans and tests which allow patients to be seen quicker and closer…
Renal frailty clinic
Leaflet page
This sheet aims to give you an overview of our team and how we might be able to support you to manage your health and wellbeing while living with kidney disease.
Lipid service
Service page
Our lipid clinic service forms part of the wider cardiology service at the Royal Free London. Clinics are mainly consultant-led with support from clinical nurse specialists. Our…
Child and adolescent mental health services
Service page
Child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) We seek to improve the emotional and psychological wellbeing of children and adolescents (those aged 17 years or under). CAMHS…
Having a chronic pain infusion
Leaflet page
Dr Lauren Penn
Clinician page
I am an American trained board certified dermatologist and dermatolopathologist with 15 years of medical experience. I practiced as a consultant dermatologist and dermatopathologist in New York before relocating to the UK several years ago. I have extensive training and expertise in the management and treatment of skin cancers, pigmented lesions, general dermatology, and dermatopathology. I am passionate about delivering exceptional patient care, and I am dedicated to providing accurate clinical diagnoses and effective treatment plans. I have a particular interest in skin cancer education, prevention, and early detection.
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