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The Royal Free Charity has launched a virtual guided tour showcasing highlights from its extensive art collection.
Using topical treatments alongside phototherapy
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New parking prices are being introduced for visitor parking at our hospitals from Sunday 1 December.
Some patients receiving liver, bile duct and pancreatic surgery are now benefitting from the use of a surgical robot – leading to shorter stays in hospital and a lower risk of infection.
Radioactive Synovectomy in Haemophilia
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Two new non-executive directors have been appointed to the Royal Free London board. Professor Wendy Reid, chair of Manx Care, the Isle of Man’s integrated care system, and non-executive…
Developing the researchers of tomorrow
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A physiotherapy graduate said taking part in a research internship at the Royal Free Hospital has been a ‘brilliant experience’.
A Royal Free London (RFL) doctor has been awarded a prestigious global health professorship by the National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR). Professor John Hurst, an honorary…
A ride to remember
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A patient who received a liver transplant two years ago took to the road to make a special return trip to the hospital where he received his life-saving treatment
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