We’re proud to provide supportive, personalised and high-quality maternity care living in and around Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey, Hertfordshire, Islington, and Middlesex.

We want you to have the best possible experience with us throughout your pregnancy, birth and after your baby is born. There are a range of places where you can choose to give birth, and we aim for you to have one midwife to look after you throughout most of your maternity journey as part of our continuity of carer approach.

Our maternity care is provided from several of our hospitals and community hubs. Our three main maternity hospitals are Barnet Hospital, North Middlesex University Hospital and the Royal Free Hospital, where we have midwifery-led birth centres and consultant-led delivery suites. 

We also provide maternity services at Chase Farm Hospital, Edgware Community Hospital, Finchley Memorial Hospital and a range of health centres, GP practices, children's centres, and other community locations.

Self-refer to our service

We encourage you to self-refer for maternity care as soon as possible. This is so antenatal screening can be offered in a timely way.

Please watch the videos below for more information on the maternity services we offer, or explore our web pages for advice on how we can support you.

Start Well proposals and your care

Following the approval of recommendations to change how maternity and neonatal services will be delivered across north central London, we want to reiterate that our services are open as usual and there will be no changes to your care.

Please continue to attend all your appointments, including at the Royal Free Hospital and Edgware Birth Centre.

All our locations continue to accept new bookings.

Share your experience

We greatly appreciate your feedback on your maternity care experience. Understanding what you found beneficial and identifying areas for improvement are vital for us to celebrate successes and address concerns as part of our quality improvement efforts. Your voice matters deeply to us, and we are thankful for the time you take to share your thoughts.

Black maternity experience survey

Please complete the survey. Your experiences matter, and your voice can help shape better maternity care for black people in the UK. Find out more information about the survey.

When visiting our maternity services, please follow our current advice:

  • One partner or companion can attend all antenatal clinic appointments and pregnancy scans.
  • One partner or companion can attend the maternity day unit (North Mid), Maternity Day Unit (Barnet Hospital) and day assessment unit (Royal Free Hospital) and triage units at all sites.
  • Two birth partners can support those in the labour wards and in the birth centres.
  • One partner or companion can visit throughout a 24-hour period on Victoria ward, 5 South and North Mid maternity ward (antenatal/postnatal wards). At North Mid, you will be given a green wristband to wear.
  • One additional partner or companion is permitted on Victoria ward and 5 South (antenatal / postnatal wards) between 2 to 8pm, and between 2 to 7pm at North Mid maternity ward. The second visitor can be a sibling.

Royal Free London group

Maternity and neonatal voices at the Royal Free London is a group where parents and parents-to-be can share their views and experiences of maternity care with midwives and doctors from our maternity services, and with the clinical commissioning groups, who pay for and monitor maternity care. 

The group looks at topics which are important to parents and make recommendations on how maternity care can be improved.

If you’d like to join our maternity and neonatal voices partnership group and help shape our maternity care, please email royalfreematernityvoices@gmail.com or follow @royalfreematernityvoices on Instagram.

Our MVP co-chairs Nushrath Khan (left) and Jessika (right)
Co-chairs Nushrath Khan and Jessika Rabello.

North Middlesex University Hospital group

North Middlesex Maternity Voices partnership aims to ensure the voice of those who are pregnant, and their families, are at the heart of all decisions about maternity care and their views are considered in all aspects of maternity services.

The group provides the following:

  • focus groups on specific maternity themes
  • someone to listen to and gather feedback from local communities (especially seldom heard voices)
  • Walk the Patch and 15 steps challenge programmes
  • attendance at local, regional, and national events to network and ensure those who are pregnant, and their families, are always heard

To get involved with the North Mid group, please email Annabella Deku at mnvp.northmid@gmail.com or follow one of its social media pages: