Our team of specialist nurses support the health and wellbeing of children and young people aged 0-18 who are looked after by Enfield local authority wherever they are placed, during their time in care.
It is a legal requirement for all children and young people in care to have holistic health assessments to determine their health and wellbeing needs.
Our nurses arrange and/or provide these assessments, ensuring a plan of action is in place to meet the individual child or young person’s needs.
They also support partner agencies by providing advice and expertise on health issues and offer training for all practitioners who work with and support children in care, including social workers and foster carers.
Our lead nurses
Mary Murrill, designated nurse for looked after children (tel: 020 8132 2451)
Suzanne Harding, named nurse for looked after children (tel: 020 4526 7148)
This service is for children and young people in care. Referrals can be made by children and young people themselves, their carers or by other practitioners.
This can be done by sending an email to lac.