Our team of specialist nurses provides comprehensive assessment, advice with treatment and management of bone health for patients over the age of 50 who live in Enfield. 

They work together with hospital clinicians, GPs and other community health services to reduce the risk of fractures using evidence-based practice in line with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and National Osteoporosis Guidelines Group recommendations, along with resources from the Royal Osteoporosis Society.  

Patients referred to our service will receive a telephone consultation or a visit at their own home if appropriate.  

As part of the assessment, our team can assess your risk of fracture. They can refer you for a scan called a DEXA or DXA that measures bone density to help determine if bone sparing medication or lifestyle advice is more appropriate for you to reduce your future fracture risk.  

You may also be referred to other services, for example community physiotherapy or community matrons if appropriate. 

We accept referrals from healthcare professionals. Patients who feel they would benefit from this service should discuss this with their GP or other healthcare professional who can make a referral on their behalf.    

Healthcare professionals can make a referral by completing the form below and emailing it to northmid.ecsadultsinglepointofaccess@nhs.net.