We provide physiotherapy and occupational therapy assessment and treatment to people living in Enfield to improve, maintain and restore their physical, psychological and social wellbeing. 

Our community team cares for patients with a wide range of conditions, aiming to help people be as independent as possible within their home environment. 

They also support patients with equipment provision, exercise programmes and signposting them to relevant services and activities. 

The team works closely with colleagues from health, social care and the voluntary sector to deliver patient focused care. 

Our team provide:

  • a physiotherapy and occupational therapy service for patients who are housebound
  • specialist physiotherapy to help prevent falls prevention
  • neurological services at St Michael’s Primary Care Centre and home visits for housebound patients with a neurological diagnosis

Our team accept referrals for patients who live in Enfield. 

Patients who feel they would benefit from this service should discuss this with their GP or other healthcare professional who will make a referral on their behalf. 

Referrals should be made by completing the form below and emailing it to northmid.ecsadultsinglepointofaccess@nhs.net.