Our community respiratory team cares for patients with a diagnosed respiratory condition such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, bronchiectasis and interstitial lung disease who are experiencing symptoms such as breathlessness, coughing and difficulty getting rid of phlegm, which cannot be managed by a GP.   

The nurse consultant-led service includes specialist respiratory nurses, respiratory physiotherapists and a respiratory technical instructor who provide assessments, advice and support to patients living in Enfield or those who are registered with an Enfield GP. 

The team provide:  

  • Assessment of patients in their home or at our community clinics, including future care planning in accordance with patient wishes and service and national guidelines. 

  • Professional support, advice and education to patients and their relatives to enable them to effectively manage their illness. 

  • Assessment of your condition to ensure you are on the right medication.  

  • Liaison with the community palliative care team and support for patients and relatives who require palliative care and those experiencing deterioration in their quality of life with regard to physical, psychological, social and spiritual elements of care. 

  • Training for healthcare providers on respiratory disease. 

  • Oxygen assessment and review. 

  • Pulmonary rehabilitation — a six-week education and exercise course for people with chronic lung disease where breathlessness affects their activities. It aims to improve breathlessness, increase muscle strength and fitness. 

You can self refer to our service or be referred by your GP or other health professional.  

To see the referral criteria, please read the form below before contacting us at northmid.ecsadultsinglepointofaccess@nhs.net.