Our team provide specialist assessment and management of people living in Enfield who experience difficulties with speech, language and swallowing either at our community clinics or at your home.
Where appropriate, joint assessments ae carried out with other adult therapy services to support you to remain at home.
Our service provides:
assessment and management of dysphagia (swallowing problems)
interventions for acquired communication difficulties, such as dysarthria (difficulty speaking), dyspraxia (developmental co-ordination disorder), and dysphasia (a language impairment)
The aim of our service is to enable you to self-manage your care whenever possible, through education, advice, provision of care plans and signposting to other relevant services.
If you feel you would benefit from this service, please discuss this with your GP or other healthcare professional who will make a referral on your behalf.
To refer, GPs and healthcare professionals should send the completed form below by email to northmid.