Job title
Consultant cardiologist, research deputy director, heart function improvement lead and Schwartz round clinical lead
Contact details
PA/secretary tel: 020 8216 5493 / 020 8216 4807
PA/secretary email: kathy.
Private practice tel: 079 0385 6720
Private practice email: varsha
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Dr Bakhai trained at St Bartholomew’s, St Mary’s, Royal Brompton, Beth Isreal Deaconess and the Royal Free hospitals. He did a scholarship year at Harvard Clinical Research Institute and Harvard School of Public Health.
Dr Bakhai is a renowned cardiologist and researcher with wide expertise in lifestyle, cardiac risk factors, cardiovascular disease and prevention, angina and heart attacks with expertise in advanced heart failure, atrial fibrillation/flutter, valvular heart disease and atypical chest pain with research interests in large cardiac registries and trials, cost-effectiveness and quality of life.
He undertakes ward rounds, heart improvement clinics, coronary angiography, permanent pacing, echocardiography, student education, appraisals, audits and research.
Dr Bakhai is a member of University College London partners task forces in heart failure, atrial fibrillation and stroke prevention and is also an NHS London clinical leadership group member for end of life care.
GMC number
• Cost-effectiveness of sirolimus-eluting stents for treatment of complex coronary stenoses results from the sirolimus-eluting balloon expandable stent in the treatment of patients with de novo native coronary artery lesions (SIRIUS) Trial, DJ Cohen, A Bakhai, C Shi, L Githiora, T Lavelle, RH Berezin, MB Leon, Circulation 110 (5), 508-514
• Beyond Restenosis Five-Year Clinical Outcomes From Second-Generation Coronary Stent Trials, DE Cutlip, AG Chhabra, DS Baim, MS Chauhan, S Marulkar, J Massaro, Circulation 110 (10), 1226-1230
• Drug-eluting stents: an early systematic review to inform policy, RA Hill, Y Dündar, A Bakhai, R Dickson, T Walley, European heart journal 25 (11), 902-919
• Can we afford to eliminate restenosis? Can we afford not to? D Greenberg, A Bakhai, DJ Cohen, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 43 (4), 513-518
• Economic evaluation of bivalirudin with provisional glycoprotein IIB/IIIA inhibition versus heparin with routine glycoprotein IIB/IIIA inhibition for percutaneous coronary interventionresults from the REPLACE-2 trial, DJ Cohen, AM Lincoff, TA Lavelle, HL Chen, A Bakhai, RH Berezin, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 44 (9), 1792-1800
• Coronary artery stents: a rapid systematic review and economic evaluation, R Hill, A Bagust, A Bakhai, R Dickson, Y Dündar, A Haycox, RM Mota, NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre (UK)
• Immediate versus deferred coronary angioplasty in non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes, RK Riezebos, E Ronner, E Ter Bals, T Slagboom, PC Smits, JM ten Berg, Heart 95 (10), 807-812
• Cost Effectiveness of Paclitaxel-Eluting Stents for Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary RevascularizationResults From the TAXUS-IV Trial, A Bakhai, GW Stone, E Mahoney, TA Lavelle, C Shi, RH Berezin, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 48 (2), 253-261
• Conducting economic evaluations alongside multinational clinical trials: toward a research consensus, SD Reed, KJ Anstrom, A Bakhai, AH Briggs, RM Califf, DJ Cohen, American heart journal 149 (3), 434-443
• Clinical trials: A practical guide to design, analysis, and reporting, Remedica
• Comparison of Bayesian model averaging and stepwise methods for model selection in logistic regression, D Wang, W Zhang, A Bakhai, Statistics in medicine 23 (22), 3451-3467
• Fondaparinux versus Enoxaparin in non–ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes: Short-term cost and long-term cost-effectiveness using data from the Fifth Organization to Assess Strategies in Acute Ischemic Syndromes Investigators (OASIS-5) trial, MJ Sculpher, G Lozano-Ortega, J Sambrook, S Palmer, O Ormanidhi, American heart journal 157 (5), 845-852
• Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with stents versus coronary artery bypass grafting for people with stable angina or acute coronary syndromes, A Bakhai, RA Hill, Y Dundar, R Dickson, T Walley, Cochrane Database Syst Rev 1
• The burden of coronary, cerebrovascular and peripheral arterial disease, A Bakhai, Pharmacoeconomics 22 (4), 11-18
• Mortality following non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome: 4 years follow-up of the PRAIS UK Registry (Prospective Registry of Acute Ischaemic Syndromes in the UK), AK Taneja, J Collinson, MD Flather, A Bakhai, DP de Arenaza, D Wang, European heart journal 25 (22), 2013-2018
• The cost-effectiveness of the use of clopidogrel in acute coronary syndromes in five countries based upon the CURE study, A Lamy, B Jönsson, WS Weintraub, F Zhao, S Chrolavicius, A Bakhai, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation 11 (6), 460-465
• Clinical and Economic Outcomes of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions in the Elderly An Analysis of Medicare Claims Data, MA Clark, A Bakhai, MJ Lacey, EM Pelletier, DJ Cohen, Circulation 110 (3), 259-264
• Management of non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes: how cost-effective are glycoprotein IIb/IIIA antagonists in the UK National Health Service? S Palmer, M Sculpher, Z Philips, M Robinson, L Ginnelly, A Bakhai, International journal of cardiology 100 (2), 229-240
• The management and investigation of elderly patients with acute coronary syndromes without ST elevation: an evidence-based approach? Results of the Prospective Registry of Acute Ischaemic Syndromes in the United Kingdom (PRAIS-UK),J Collinson, A Bakhai, MD Flather, KA Fox, Age and ageing 34 (1), 61-66
• Diabetic patients with acute coronary syndromes in the UK: high risk and under treated. Results from the prospective registry of acute ischaemic syndromes in the UK (PRAIS-UK), A Bakhai, J Collinson, MD Flather, D Perez de Arenaza, MC Shibata, International journal of cardiology 100 (1), 79-84
• Cost-effectiveness of sirolimus drug-eluting stents for the treatment of complex coronary stenoses: results from the randomized SIRIUS trial, DJ Cohen, A Bakhai, C Shi, L Githiora, RH Berezin, RP Caputo, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 41 (6), 32
• A cost-effectiveness model comparing alternative management strategies for the use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists in non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome, S Palmer, M Sculpher, Z Philips, M Robinson, L Ginnelly, A Bakhai, Technology Assessment Report. London: National Institute for Clinical ...
• Willingness to pay for avoiding coronary restenosis and repeat revascularization: results from a contingent valuation study, D Greenberg, A Bakhai, PJ Neumann, DJ Cohen, Health policy 70 (2), 207-216
• Cost-Effectiveness of Coronary Stenting and Abciximab for Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction Results From the CADILLAC (Controlled Abciximab and Device Investigation to Lower Late Angioplasty Complications) Trial, A Bakhai, GW Stone, CL Grines, SA Murphy, L Githiora, RH Berezin, Circulation 108 (23), 2857-2863
• A cost-utility analysis of clopidogrel in patients with non-ST-segment-elevation acute coronary syndromes in the UK, J Karnon, A Bakhai, A Brennan, A Pandor, M Flather, E Warren, D Gray, International journal of cardiology 109 (3), 307-316
• Drug-eluting stents and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors: combination therapy for the future, MB Leon, A Bakhai, American heart journal 146 (4), S13-S17
• Comparison of Early Invasive and Conservative Strategies in Patients with Unstable Coronary Syndromes, D PEREZ, MD ARENAZA, A BAKHAI, N Engl J Med 345 (21)
• Adipokines—targeting a root cause of cardiometabolic risk, A Bakhai, QJM 101 (10), 767-776
• Cost-effectiveness of alternative strategies for the initial medical management of non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome: systematic review and decision-analytical modelling, M Robinson, S Palmer, M Sculpher, Z Philips, L Ginnelly, A Bowens, NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre (UK)
• Angioplasty and stents in coronary artery disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Y Dündar, RA Hill, A Bakhai, R Dickson, T Walley, Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 38 (4), 200-210
• A systematic review and economic evaluation of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of aldosterone antagonists for postmyocardial infarction heart failure, C McKenna, J Burch, S Suekarran, S Walker, A Bakhai, K Witte, M Harden, NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre (UK)
• Feasibility and cost of treatment with drug eluting stents of surgical candidates with multi-vessel coronary disease, H Griffiths, A Bakhai, D West, M Petrou, T De Souza, N Moat, J Pepper, European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery 26 (3), 528-534
• Age? 75 years is associated with greater resource utilization following coronary artery bypass grafting, I Toor, A Bakhai, B Keogh, M Curtis, J Yap, Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 9 (5), 827-831
• The SV stent study: a prospective, multicentre, angiographic evaluation of the BiodivYsio phosphorylcholine coated small vessel stent in small coronary vessels, A Bakhai, J Booth, N Delahunty, F Nugara, T Clayton, J McNeill, International journal of cardiology 102 (1), 95-102
• Modeling the impact of patient and lesion characteristics on the cost-effectiveness of drug-eluting stents, D Greenberg, A Bakhai, NE Neil, RH Berezin, KK Ho, DE Cutlip, RE Kuntz, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 41 (6), 538
• Bivalirudin for the treatment of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a NICE single technology appraisal, EL Simpson, P Fitzgerald, P Evans, P Tappenden, N Kalita, JPD Reckless, Pharmacoeconomics 31 (4), 269-275
• The cost-effectiveness of the use of clopidogrel in acute coronary syndromes based upon the CURE study, A Lamy, S Chrolavicius, A Gafni, S Yusuf, F Zhao, B Jonsson, P Lindgren, Circulation 106 (19), 758-758
• Feasibility and implications of an early discharge strategy after percutaneous intervention with< i> abciximab in acute myocardial infarction (the CADILLAC Trial), DE Kandzari, JE Tcheng, DJ Cohen, A Bakhai, CL Grines, DA Cox, The American journal of cardiology 92 (7), 779-784
• Economic evaluation of drug-eluting stents: A systematic literature review and model-based cost–utility analysis, P Kuukasjärvi, P Räsänen, A Malmivaara, P Aronen, H Sintonen, International journal of technology assessment in health care 23 (04), 473-479
• Clinical outcomes, resource use, and costs at 1 year in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing PCI: results from the multinational APTOR registry, A Bakhai, J Ferrieres, A Iniguez, M Sartral, M Belger, C Schmitt, U Zeymer, Journal of interventional cardiology 25 (1), 19-27
• Treatment patterns in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention, J Ferrieres, A Bakhai, A Iñiguez, C Schmitt, M Sartral, M Belger, U Zeymer, Current Medical Research & Opinion 26 (9), 2193-2202
• Clinical and economic effects of coronary restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention in a managed care population. MA Clark, A Bakhai, EM Pelletier, DJ Cohen, Managed care (Langhorne, Pa.) 14 (4), 42-4, 46-51
• Differences in the use of guideline-recommended therapies among 14 European countries in patients with acute coronary syndromes undergoing PCI, U Zeymer, S James, G Berkenboom, A Mohacsi, A Iñiguez, Z Coufal, European journal of preventive cardiology 20 (2), 218-228
• Co?administration of statins with cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitors in a UK primary care population, A Bakhai, U Rigney, S Hollis, C Emmas, Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety 21 (5), 485-493
• Long term prognosis of heart failure after acute coronary syndromes without ST elevation, MC Shibata, J Collinson, AK Taneja, A Bakhai, MD Flather, Postgraduate medical journal 82 (963), 55-59
• Crossover trials, D Wang, U Lorch, A Bakhai, Clinical Trials—A Practical Guide to Design, Analysis, and Reporting ...
• The clinical and economic burden of restenosis in the Medicare population, M Clark, A Bakhai, M Lacey, E Pelletier, DJ Cohen, Circulation 106 (16), E102-E102
• Postoperative B-type natriuretic peptide for prediction of major cardiac events in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery: systematic review and individual patient meta-analysis, RN Rodseth, BM Biccard, R Chu, GAL Buse, L Thabane, A Bakhai, Anesthesiology 119 (2), 270-283
• International data on supportive therapies at 1 year in acute coronary syndrome patients undergoing PCI: results from the APTOR study, A Bakhai, J Ferrieres, A Iñiguez, C Schmitt, M Sartral, M Belger, U Zeymer, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation 18 (3), 518-525
• Remote monitoring after recent hospital discharge in patients with heart failure: a systematic review and network meta-analysis, A Pandor, T Gomersall, JW Stevens, J Wang, A Al-Mohammad, A Bakhai, Heart 99 (23), 1717-1726
• A cost-utility analysis of clopidogrel in patients with ST elevation acute coronary syndromes in the UK, J Karnon, MW Holmes, R Williams, A Bakhai, A Brennan, International journal of cardiology 140 (3), 315-322
• How to cost cardiovascular care, A Bakhai, Heart 94 (5), 549-551
• National economic impact of tirofiban for unstable angina and myocardial infarction without ST elevation; example from the United Kingdom, A Bakhai, MD Flather, J R Collinson, W Stevens, C Normand, E Alemao, International journal of cardiology 91 (2), 163-172
• Do the Benefits of New Technology Outweigh the Costs?: The Case of Drug-Eluting Stents, D Greenberg, A Bakhai, DJ Cohen, American Journal of Drug Delivery 1 (4), 255-266
• Trials comparing coronary artery bypass grafting with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty and primary stent implantation in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease, A Bakhai, RH Stables, S Prasad, U Sigwart, Current opinion in cardiology 15 (6), 388-394
• Prasugrel vs clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: a model-based cost-effectiveness analysis for Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Turkey, A Davies, A Bakhai, C Schmitt, A Barrett, P Graham-Clarke, M Sculpher, Journal of medical economics 16 (4), 510-521
• Cost-effectiveness in France of fondaparinux versus enoxaparin in non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome: an analysis using data from OASIS-5, MJ Sculpher, G Lozano-Ortega, JC Sambrook, O Ormanidhi, A Bakhai, European Heart Journal 28, 858-858
• A primer for statistical analysis of clinical trials, D Wang, A Bakhai, N Maffulli, Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 19 (8), 874-881
• Cost-Effectiveness of Aldosterone Antagonists for the Treatment of Post–Myocardial Infarction Heart Failure, C McKenna, S Walker, P Lorgelly, E Fenwick, J Burch, S Suekarran, Value in Health 15 (3), 420-428
• A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of intracoronary gamma-and beta-radiation therapy for in-stent restenosis, T Uchida, A Bakhai, A Almonacid, T Shibata, B Cox, RE Kuntz, Heart and vessels 21 (6), 368-374
• Admission ECG predicts long-term outcome in acute coronary syndromes without ST elevation, J Collinson, A Bakhai, A Taneja, D Wang, MD Flather, Qjm 99 (9), 601-607
• Analysis of survival data, D Wang, T Clayton, A Bakhai, Remedica
• Bioequivalence Trials, D Wang, R Arezina, A Bakhai, D Wang & A Bakhai,(Ed. s). Clinical trials: A practical guide to design ...
• How easy is it to contact the duty medical doctor responsible for acute admissions? A Bakhai, F Goodman, H Juchniewichz, A Martin, G Porter, C White, BMJ: British Medical Journal 301 (6751), 529