Job title
Consultant clinical oncologist
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Dr Clifford MBBS BSc MRCP FRCR, is a consultant clinical oncologist specialising in urological cancers. She studied medicine at Imperial College London and completed her specialist training at the Royal Marsden Hospital, Royal Surrey County Hospital, and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.
She was awarded a postgraduate diploma in oncology at the Institute of Cancer Research.
GMC number
• Comparison of clinic- pathological, molecular features and PD-L1 status in a series of non-small cell lung cancers: are real life data similar to clinical trials results? Elskiekh, M., Mani, A., Kitson, R., Josephides, E., Clifford, A., Rieu, R., Desai, S., Gupta, N., Berry, M., Bloch, S., Ross, C., Anderson, J., Nandi, J., Roddie, M., Copley, S., Denton, A., Hatcher., Power, D., Lewanski, C., Newson-Davis, T., and Viola, P. (2019) Journal of Cytology and Histology. 10:3
• Pseudoprogression: A study of incidence and associations. Neuro-oncology Benoy, G., Clifford, A., Williams, M. (2016) 18(Suppl 4):iv34-iv34
• Transformation of oncology inpatients: effects on length of stay and patient satisfaction Wathes, R., Clifford, A., Januszewski, A., Urch, C. (2015) Future Hospital Journal 2(3):162-165,
• Pleural epithelioid hemangionendothelioma: Literature summary and novel case report Salijevska, J., Watson, R., Clifford, A., Ritchie, A., Mauri, F., Adeboyeku, D. (2015) Journal of Clinical Medicine Research. 7, 7, 566-570