Job title
Consultant gastroenterologist
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Dr Andrew Millar has worked at the North Middlesex University Hospital (North Mid) for over 25 years as a consultant gastroenterologist, hepatologist and interventional endoscopist. He has a special interest in cancer diagnostics.
Dr Millar helped develop multidisciplinary diagnostic centres in the UK whilst working as the London cancer hepatobiliary pathway director at London Integrated Cancer System. He is clinical director for the non-specific symptom pathway for the North Central London Cancer Alliance and is a member of NHS England’s faster diagnosis group.
He is interested in using technology to help gather clinical information directly from patients to support decision-making in patients with suspected cancer to improve the pathway to achieve early diagnosis.
Dr Millar has an ongoing interest in research and has been the principial investigator at North Mid for several national studies, including the Symplify study in which the Trust was the third largest recruiter in the UK investigating a very promising new cancer blood marker of 50 different cancers.
He is also the cancer clinical lead at North Mid, an honorary consultant viral hepatologist at the Royal Free Hospital and associate professor at the University of St George's, Granada, West Indies.
Disclosures: previous funding from Cancer Research UK, Gilead Sciences Ltd, Janssen Ltd, Merck Sharp & Dohme Ltd, Director of GI Diagnostics Ltd, shareholder in Medefer Ltd.
GMC number
Dr Millar has an interest in cancer diagnostics, the use of technology in gathering clinical information directly from patients, and research.