Job title
Consultant cardiologist
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Dr Little is an experienced cardiologist with a passion for delivering personalised evidence-based care for his patients. He is an expert in cardiac risk assessment and preventative care and leads the chest pain/cardiac rehabilitation services at the Royal Free Hospital. He performs complex coronary intervention (angioplasty/stenting) and pacemaker implantations.
He studied medicine at Imperial College School of Medicine where he graduated with a Merit. He trained in general cardiology and complex coronary intervention/pacemaker implantation at the Royal Free Hosptial London and Imperial College Healthcare (Hammersmith Hospital). He has a PhD from University College London and has received awards/grants from the Wellcome Trust and the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council.
GMC number
‘Optical Ultrasound Imaging for Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: A Pitot Study’ Little CD, Zhang S, Colchester R,Noimark S, Mathews S, Zhang E, Beard P, Mastracci T, Rakhit R, Desjardin AE (2023) Medical Imaging Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention https:// ‘Bend-insensitive fiber optic ultrasonic tracking probe for cardiovascular interventions’ Mathews S, Little CD, Zhang E, Beard P, Mastracci T, Rakhit R, Desjardin AE (2023) Medical Physics https:// ‘Morphological and physiological characteristics of ruptured plaques in native arteries and neoatherosclerotic segments: an OCT-based and computational fluid dynamics study’ Jin C, Torii R, Ramasamy A, Tufaro V, Little CD, Konstantinou K, Tan YY, Cooper J, Crake T, O'Mahony C, Rakhit R, Egred M, Ahmed J, Karamasis G, Räber L, Baumbach A, Mathur A, Bourantas CV (2022) Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine ‘Treatment Strategies and Outcomes of Emergency Left Main Percutaneous Coronary Intervention’ Bajaj R, Little CD, Baumbach A, Mathur A, Bourantos CV (2022) American Journal of Cardiology ‘A patient-specific multi-modality abdominal aortic aneurysm imaging phantom’ Little CD, Mackle EM, Maneas E, Chong D, Nikitichev D, Constantinou J, Tsui J, Hamilton G, Rakhit RD, Mastracci TM, Desjardins AE (2022) International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology & Surgery https:// ‘Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on management of non-culprit lesions in patients presenting with ST-elevation myocardial infarction: outcomes from the pan-London Heart Attack centres’ Little CD, Demir O, Jabbour RJ, Rahman H, Sayers M, Asrar A, Connolly M, Kanyal R, MacCarthy P, Wilson S, Dalby M, Jain A, Malik M, Rakhit R, Perera D (2021) Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions https:// ‘Fibre Optic Intravascular Measurements of Blood Flow: A Review’ Mackle EM, Carr E, Coote JM, Little CD, van Soest G, Desjardins AE (2021) Sensor & Accuators A: Physical https:// ‘Flexible and directional fibre optic ultrasound transmitters using photostable dyes’ Colchester RJ, Little CD, Alles E, Desjardins AE (2021) OSA Continuum https://doi.org/10.1364/OSAC.431444 ‘Challenges of antithrombotic therapy in the management of cardiovascular disease in patients with inherited bleeding disorders: A single centre experience’ Cohen OC, Bertelli M, Manmathan G, Little CD, Riddel A, Pollard D, Aradom E, Mussara M, Harrington C, Kanagasabapathy P, De Silva R, Martin B, Peralta R, Gomez K, Yee T, Chowdary P, Rakhit RD (2021) Haemophilia https:// ‘Wall shear stress estimated by 3D-QCA can predict cardiovascular events in lesions with borderline negative fractional flow reserve’ Tufaro V, Safi H, Torii R, Bon-Kwon K, Kitslaar P, Ramasamy A, Mathur A, Jones DA, Bajaj R, Erdogan E, Lansky A, Zhang J, Konstantinou K, Little CD, Rakhit RD, Karamasis G, Baumbach A, Bourantos CV (2021). Atherosclerosis https:// ‘Optically generated ultrasound for intracoronary imaging’ Little CD, Colchester RJ, Noimark S, Manmathan G, Finlay MC, Desjardins AE, Rakhit RD (2020). Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine https:// ‘COVID-19 and STEMI: pathway activation and outcomes from the pan-London Heart Attack group’ Little CD, Kotecha T, Candilio L, Jabbour RJ, Collins G, Ahmed A, Connelly M, Kanyal R, Demir O, Lawson LO, Wang B, Firoozi S, Spratt J, Perera D, MacCarthy P, Dalby M, Jain A, Wilson S, Malik I, Rakhit RD (2020). Open Heart (BMJ) 7(2) https:// ‘Hydroxychloroquine use in COVID-19: is the risk of cardiovascular toxicity justified?’ Stevenson A, Kirresh A, Conway S, White L, Ahmad M, Little CD. (2020) Open Heart (BMJ) 7(2) https://10.1136/openhrt-2020-001362 ’All-optical rotational scan ultrasound imaging’ Colchester RJ, Little CD, Dwyer G, Noimark S, Alles EJ, Zhang EZ, Loder CD, Parkin I, Papakonstantinou I, Beard P, Finlay MC, Rakhit RD, Desjardins AE (2019). Nature Scientific Reports https:// ‘Micron resolution, high-fidelity three-dimensional vascular optical imaging phantoms’ Little CD, Poduval RK, Caulfield R, Noimark S, Colchester RJ, Loder CD, Tiwari MK, Rakhit RD, Papakonstantinou I, Desjardins AE (2019). Journal of Biomedical Optics 24(2) https:// ‘Dynamic physiological temperature and pressure sensing with phase-resolved low coherence interferometry’ Coote JM, Alles EJ, Noimark S, Mosse S, Little CD, Loder CD, Rakhit RD, Finlay MC, Desjardins AE. (2019) Optics Express (27)4 https:// ‘Wall-Less vascular poly(vinyl) alcohol gel ultrasound imaging phantoms using 3D printed vessels’ Mackle EC, Maneas E, Little CD, Carr E, Xia W, Nikitichev D, Rakhit RD, Finlay MC, Desjardins AE. (2019) SPIE Proceedings 10870 https:// ‘All-optical dual photoacoustic and optical coherence tomography intravascular probe’ Mathews SJ, Little CD, Loder CD, Rakhit RD, Xia W, Zhang EZ, Finlay MC, Desjardins AE (2018) Photoacoustics 11 https://
Intravascular imaging, intracoronary physiology, acute coronary syndrome and clinical translation of emerging imaging modalities