Job title
Consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist
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Dr Clemente is a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist with a special interest in neurodevelopmental disorders including ADHD, autism and tic disorders.
GMC number
• R. Miller, C.A. Sabin, E. Goldman, C. Clemente, H. Sadowski, B. Taylor, C.A. Lee (2000) Coping Styles in families with haemophilia. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 5 (1), 3-12.
• C. Clemente, J. Barnes, E. Shinebourne, A. Stein (2001): Are infant behavioural feeding difficulties associated with congenital heart disease?. Child: Care, Health and Development, 27 (1), 47-59.
• C. Clemente, J. Tsiantis , C.A. Lee, H. Sadowski, S. Baharaki, G. Ba, I. Kolvin, B. Taylor (2002) Psychopathology in children from families with blood disorders. A Cross-national study. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 11, 151-161.
• C. Clemente, J. Tsiantis , I. Kolvin , G. Ba , S. Christogiorgos , C.A. Lee, B. Taylor, R. Miller (2003) Social adjustment in three cultures: data from families affected by chronic blood disorders. A sibling study. Haemophilia 9 (3), 317-324.
• A. Shuwa, B. Fitzgerald, C. Clemente, D Grant (2006). Children with Learning Disabilities and related needs placed out of borough - Parent’s perspective. Psychiatric Bulletin 30 (3), 100-102.
• C. Clemente, R. McGrath, C. Stevenson, J. Barnes (2006). Evaluation of a waiting list initiative in a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service. Chid and Adolescent Mental Health 11(2) 98-103
• D. Fiandaca, P. Bucciarelli, I. Martinelli, F. Tantardini, C. Clemente, P. M. Mannucci (2006) Pychological impact of thrombosis in the young. Internal and Emerg Med , 1 (2) 119-126
• J Trowell, I Joffe, J Campbell, C Clemente,F Almqvist, M Soininen, U Koskenranta-Aalto,S Weintraub G Kolaitis, VTomaras, D Anastasopoulos,K Grayson,J Barnes John Tsiantis (2007). Childhood depression: a place for psychotherapy,An outcome study comparing Individual Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Family Therapy. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 16 (3) 157-167
Dr Clemente's research includes resilience factors in families with chronic physical illness and outcome therapy in childhood depression.