Job title
Consultant cardiologist
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Dr Bleakley is a consultant cardiologist at the Royal Free Hospital where she is also the clinical lead for cardiac imaging. She graduated from Queen’s University Belfast in 2003 and has a postgraduate MD degree in cardiovascular research.
She completed fellowships in cardiology and advanced echocardiography at two of the largest specialist heart centres in Europe (King’s College Hospital and the Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK). During these fellowships, she was expertly trained in ischaemia and valve stress echocardiogram, transoesophageal echocardiogram (TOE), 3D and contrast echocardiograms as well as structural interventional echocardiography. She was subsequently appointed as locum consultant cardiologist at both King’s and the Brompton.
She holds an assistant clinical professor, is a fellow of the American Society of Echocardiography, an invited speaker and widely published. Dr Bleakley has a particular interest in advanced echocardiography and valvular heart disease, with experience in structural interventional imaging.