Job title
Consultant dermatologist
Contact details
Email: rf.ctddermatology1@nhs.net
PA/secretary tel: 020 7794 0500 ext 33508 or 38134
Private practice tel: 07766 386 490
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Dr Orteu graduated from London Hospital Medical College in 1987, completed her dermatology training at the Royal Free Hospital and Royal London Hospital. She earned her MD in immunodermatology in 1999, serving as the UK trainee representative to the British Association of Dermatologists.
In 2000, she received the Geoffrey Dowling Fellowship, spending a year as a clinical research fellow in connective tissue disease and Immunodermatology at the University of British Columbia. Since January 2001, Dr. Orteu has been a consultant dermatologist at the Royal Free London, offering general dermatology clinics and performing skin surgeries weekly.
Her primary interests lie in complex medical dermatology, including connective tissue diseases, localized scleroderma, "pseudoscleroderma," overlap CTDs, and lysosomal storage disorders like Fabry disease. She conducts specialized clinics for connective tissue diseases and lectures nationally and internationally on related topics.
GMC number
• CH Orteu and C Denton. Scleromyxedema, Chapter 25 in Rheumatic diseases and the skin. Ed M Matucci-Cerinic, W Piette, Elsevier 2011
• CH Orteu and A Mehta. Fabry disease, Chapter 135 in Fitzpatrics Dermatology in General Medicine 8th Ed. Ed Goldsmith,Katz, Gilchrest,Paller,Leffell,Wolff. McGraw-Hill 2012
• CH Orteu. Dermatological Manifestations of Fabry disease, Chapter 14 in Fabry Disease. Ed. D Elstein, G Altarescu, M Beck, Springer 2010
• CH Orteu and JP Dutz. Localized Scleroderma, chapter 4.1 in Autoimmune diseases of the skin; pathogenesis, diagnosis, management. Ed. Hertl M, Springer- Verlag 2001 WienNewYork and revised 2nd Ed 2005, 3rd Ed 2010
• MHA Rustin and CH Orteu. Cutaneous anaphylaxis, chapter in Encyclopedia of Immunology (2nd edition), Ed. PJ Delves, IM Roitt , Academic Press Ltd. London.
• Hogarth V, Hughes D, Orteu CH. Pseudoacromegalic facial features in Fabry disease Clin Exp Dermatol. 2013 Mar;38(2):137-9.
• Zampetti A, Orteu CH, Antuzzi D, Bongiorno MR, Manco S, Gnarra M, Morrone A, Cardinali G, Kovacs D, Aspite N, Linder D, Parini R, Feliciani C; Interdisciplinary Study Group on Fabry Disease (ISGF). Angiokeratoma: decision-making aid for the diagnosis of Fabry disease. Br J Dermatol. 2012 Apr;166(4):712-20.
• Hughes DA, Malmenäs M, Deegan PB, Elliott PM, Ginsberg L, Hajioff D, Ioannidis AS, Orteu CH, Ramaswami U, West M, Pastores GM, Jenkinson C; FOS Investigators Fabry International Prognostic Index: a predictive severity score for Anderson-Fabry disease.J Med Genet. 2012 Mar;49(3):212-20. doi: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2011-100407. Epub 2012 Feb 7.
• Hogarth V, Dhoat S, Mehta AB, Orteu CH. Late onset Fabry disease associated with Angiokeratoma of Fordyce and multiple cherry angiomas. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2010 in press
• Singh M, McNamara C, Child F, Orteu CH. A post-transplant complication. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2009 Mar;34(2):275-6.
• Salvestrini C, McGrath JA, Ozoemena L, Husain K, Buhamrah E, Sabery N, Leichtner A, Rufo PA, Perez-Atayde A, Orteu CH, Torrente F, Heuschkel RB, Thomson MA, Murch SH. Desquamative enteropathy and pyloric atresia without skin disease caused by a novel intracellular beta4 integrin mutation. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2008 Nov;47(5):585-91.
• Orteu CH, Jansen T, Lidove O, Jaussaud R, Hughes DA, Pintos-Morell L, Ramaswami U, Parini R, Sunder-Plassman G, Beck M, Mehta AB, on behalf of the FOS investigators. Fabry Disease and the Skin: Data from FOS, the Fabry outcome survey. Br J Dermatol Aug 2007;157(2):331-7.
• Cox-Brinkman J, Vedder A, Hollak C, Richfield L, Orteu K, Wijburg F, Hammond P. Three-dimensional face shape in Fabry disease. Eur J Hum Genet. 2007 May;15(5):535-42
• Oâ Brien BA, Geng X, Orteu CH, Huang Y, Ghoreishi M, Zhang Y, Bush JA, Li G, Finegood DT, Dutz JP. A deficiency in the in vivo clearance of apoptotic cells is a feature of the NOD mouse. J Autoimmun.2006 Mar; 26 (2): 104-15
• Shergill B, Orteu CH, McBride SR, Rustin MH. Dementia associated with scleromyxoedema reversed by high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin. Br J Dermatol 2005 Sep 153(3): 650-2
• Reed JR, Vukmanovic-Stejic M, Fletcher JM, Soares MV, Cook JE, Orteu CH, Jackson SE, Birch KE, FosterGR, Salmon M, Beverley PC, Rustin MH, Akbar AN. Telomere erosion in memory T cells induced by telomerase inhibition at the site of antigenic challenge in vivo. J Exp Med.2004 May 17;199 (10):1433-43
• Eisman S, Orteu CH. Recalcitrant ertosive flexural lichen planus: successful treatment with a combination of thalidomide and 0.1% tacrolimus ointment. Clin Exp Dermatol 2004 May; 29(3):268-70
• Eisman S, Mehta A, Orteu CH. Case 3. Fabry disease. Clin Exp Dermatol 2003 Sep; 28 (5):569-70
• Kahlon R, Hu Y, Orteu CH, Kifayet A, Trudeau JD, Tan R, Dutz JP. Optimization of epicutaneous immunization for the induction of CTL. Vaccine 2003 Jun 20; 21 (21-22): 2890-9
• Scheel-Toellner D, Akbar AN, Pilling D, Orteu CH, Buckley CD, Wang K, Webb PR, Lord JM, Salmon M. Type I interferons inhibit the resolution of Chronic inflammation. Symp Soc Exp Biol.2000; 52:277-88
• CH Orteu, RD Sontheimer, JP Dutz. The pathophysiology of photosensitivity in lupus erythematosus. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed. 2001 Jun;17(3):95-113.
• CH Orteu J Buchanan I Hutchison, IM Leigh, RH Bull. Systemic lupus erythematosus presenting with oral mucosal lesions: easily missed? Br J Dermatol. 2001 Jun;144(6):1219-23.
• DI Orton, CH Orteu, MHA Rustin. Cytomegalovirus-associated gastric ulcer in an immunosuppressed patient with pemphigus vulgaris. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2001Mar:26(2):170-172Â
• CH Orteu, MHA Rustin, CA Sabin, E Oâ Toole, M Salmon, LW Poulter, AN Akbar. The inhibition of cutaneous T cell apoptosis may prevent resolution of inflammation in atopic eczema. Clin Exp Immunol 2000; 122(2):150-156
• D Pilling, AN Akbar, J Girdlestone, CH Orteu, NJ Borthwick, N Amft, D Scheel-Toellner, CD Buckley, M Salmon. Interferon-ï ¢ mediates stromal cell rescue of T cells from apoptosis. Eur J Immunol 1999;29:1041-1050.
• CH Orteu, LW Poulter, MHA Rustin, CA Sabin, M Salmon, AN Akbar. The role of apoptosis in the resolution of T cell-mediated cutaneous inflammation. J Immunol 1998;161:1619-1629.
• CH Orteu, W Li, MH Allen, NP Smith, JNWN Barker, SJ Whittaker. CD44 Variant expression in cutaneous T cell lymphoma. J Cutan Pathol 1997;24:342-349.
• CH Orteu, JM McGregor, SJ Whittaker, F Balzola, AJ Wakefield. Erythema elevatum diutinum and Crohn's disease: a common pathogenic role for measles virus? Arch Dermatol 1996;132:1523-1525
• CH Orteu, JR Hughes and MHA Rustin. Naevus lipomatosus cutaneus superficialis: overlap with connective tissue naevi. Acta Derm Venereol 1996;76:243-245 (letter)
• CH Orteu and MHA Rustin. 20 thickened fragile nails. Lancet 1996;347:662
• CH Orteu, JM McGregor, JR Almeyda, MHA Rustin. Recurrence of hyperhidrosis following endoscopic transthoracic sympathectomy: case report and review of the literature. Clin Exp Derm 1995;20:230-233
• Toms GC,McCarthy MI, Niven MJ, Orteu CH, King TT, Monson JP. Predicting relapse after transsphenopidal surgery for Cushingâ s disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1993 Feb;76(2):291-4
• Dhoat S, Orteu CH, Navarro C, Lidove O, Jansen T, Clarke J. Patients with Fabry disease with cutaneous vascular lesions have higher disease severity scores and more multisystem involvement: data from 1354 patients registered on FOS, the Fabry outcome survey. Br J Dermatol. 161 (suppl.1): 45, 2009
• Orteu CH, Mehta AB, Dhoat S, Hughes DA. Fabry disease and angiokeratoma corporis diffusum are not synonymous: Cutaneous vascular lesions and facial features in 100 patients with Fabry disease. Br J Dermatol 161 (suppl.1): 46, 2009
• Patalay R, Attard N, Orteu C. A rare type of localized scleroderma: Keloidal morpheaÂ
• J Am Acad Dermatol 2006,54 (3): AB77-AB77 Suppl.
• Jansen T, Bechara FG, Orteu CH, AltmeyerP, Mehta A, Beck M. The significance of lymphoedema in Fabry Disease. Acta Paediatr Suppl. 447:117, 2005
• Ismail F, Orteu C. Two cases of Fabry disease and response to enzyme replacement therapy Br J Dermatol 2003 149: Suppl 64 26
• JR Reed, M Vukmanovic-Stejic, J Cook, J Fletcher, CH Orteu, M Salmon, P Beverley, MHA Rustin, AN Akbar. Accelerated telomere erosion during cutaneous T cell mediated inflammation. Br J Dermatol 2004,151(68):11
• CH Orteu, T Jansen, M Beck, A Mehta,R Ricci, U Widmer; on behalf of the European FOS investigators Group. The Fabry Outcome Survey is a useful tool to document the natural history of Fabry disease. Br J Dermatol 2004,151(68):9
• CH Orteu, A Akbar, LW Poulter, MHA Rustin Over-expression of IL-15 and IFN-ï ¢ promote T cell survival in atopic eczema. Br J Dermatol 1999,140 (4):793
• CH Orteu, LW Poulter, AN Akbar, M Salmon and MHA Rustin Increased fibroblast numbers and IFN-ï ¢ï production in a resolving delayed -type hypersensitivity response. Immunology 1998 95 (Suppl 1): 27
• CH Orteu, A Akbar, MHA Rustin, LW Poulter T cell apoptosis in Mantoux reactions and atopic eczema J Invest Dermatol 1998;110 (4):640
• CH Orteu, A Akbar, MHA Rustin, LW Poulter T cell apoptosis in delayed type hypersensitivity reactions. Br J Dermatol 1998, 138 (4): 749
• CH Orteu, A Akbar, MHA Rustin, LW Poulter T cell apoptosis in delayed type hypersensitivity reactions and lesional atopic eczema. Immunology 1997;92 (Suppl 1):86
• CH Orteu, M Jarmulowicz, MA Johnson and WG Phillips. Perforating Granuloma Annulare in association with HIV infection. Br J Dermatol 1997; 137( Suppl 50):66
• CH Orteu, A Akbar, MHA Rustin, LW Poulter. Does failure to promote T cell apoptosis contribute to the chronicity of eczema? J Invest Dermatol 1997;108(4):663
• C Orteu, M Rustin, A Akbar, LW Poulter. Loss of Bcl-2 precedes the decay of T cell populations in resolving Mantoux reactions. J Invest Dermatol 1996;107(3):470
• FA Balzola, R Sim, CH Orteu, S Whittaker, J Lewin, RE Pounder, AJ Wakefield. Measles virus and cutaneous manifestations of Crohn's disease. Br J Dermatol 1996;135 Suppl 47:41-42
• CH Orteu and MHA Rustin. Experience with the HGM K1 continuous wave krypton/argon laser. Br J Dermatol 1995:133 Suppl 45;26-27
• CH Orteu, W Li, MH Allen, NP Smith, JNWN Barker, SJ Whittaker. CD44 Variant expression in cutaneous T cell lymphoma. Br J Dermatol 1995:132;649Â Â Â
• Toms GC, McCarthy MI, Niven MJ, Orteu CH, King TT, Monson JP. Predicting relapse after transsphenoidal surgery for Cushing's disease. Journal of Endocrinology 1991:129(suppl);132.
• Corbett M, Garland CJ, Greenidge E, Keatinge WR, Orteu CH, Salvage D & Tate J. Pattern of response of smooth muscle of isolated bovine coronary arteries to thromboxane A2 analogue. Journal of Physiology, 1985 :369;140.
Dr Orteu's publications focus on immunological mechanisms, localised scleroderma, scleroderma-like diseases, and the cutaneous aspects of Fabry disease