Job title
Consultant gastroenterologist
Contact details
PA/secretary tel: 020 3758 2000 ext 33990
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Dr Murray’s clinical practice encompasses all aspects of gastroenterology with specific interests in inflammatory bowel disease, adolescent gastroenterology, endoscopy, and functional gut disorders including IBS. He was senior secretary of the British Society of Gastroenterology 2009-2013 and is a member of the UEG general assembly. He is currently chair of the UEG e-learning taskforce.
GMC number
• Laginaf M, Goodhand JR, Gaitskell K, Planche K, Murray C. Weight loss and lumbosacral back pain in a 79-year-old Indian man. Gut. 2012 Nov 8.
• Greveson K, Goodhand J, Capocci S, Woodward S, Murray C, Cropley I, Hamilton M, Lipman M.Yield and cost effectiveness of mycobacterial infection detection using a simple IGRA-based protocol in UK subjects with inflammatory bowel disease suitable for anti-TNF? therapy. J Crohns Colitis. 2012 Sep 22. doi:pii: S1873-9946(12)00372-8. 10.1016/j.crohns.2012.08.010.
• Mankodi S, Planche K, Watkins J, Murray C .Malignant mimicry--a 17-year-old with abdominal pain and weight loss. Gut. 2012 Sep 6. [Epub ahead of print]
• Thoua NM, Murray CDR et al. Amitriptyline modifies the visceral hypersensitivity response to acute stress in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2009 29(5):552-60
• Murray CDR, le Roux CW, Emmanuel AV, Halket JM, Przyborowska AM, Kamm MA, Murray-Lyon IM. The effect of khat (catha edulis) as an appetite suppressant is independent of ghrelin and PYY secretion. Appetite 2008 51: 747-750
• Kamm MA, Jordan CC, Leaker BR, Nicholson FB, Murray CD, Taylor SA, Marshall M, Gibbs A, Carter EG, Emmanuel AV. Pharmacological modulation of gut mucosal and large vessel blood flow. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2007 Mar 15;25(6):693-702
• Murray CDR, Booth CE, Bulmer DCE, Kamm MA, Emmanuel AV, Winchester WJ. Ghrelin Augments Afferent Nerve Response to Distension in Rat Isolated Jejunum. Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2006 Dec;18(12):1112-20
• Murray CDR, Le Roux CW, Gouveia C, Bassett P, Ghatei MA, Bloom SR, Emmanuel AV, Gabe SM. The effect of different macronutrient infusions on appetite, ghrelin and peptide YY in parenterally fed patients. Clinical Nutrition 2006 Aug;25(4):626-33
• Bassil AK, Dass NB , Murray CDR, Muir A, Sanger G J. The effects of prokineticin 2, [Nle13]-motilin and ghrelin on mouse isolated gastrointestinal tissue. European Journal of Pharmacology 2005 Nov 7;524(1-3):138-44
• Murray CDR, Martin NM, Patterson M, Taylor S, Ghatei M, Kamm MA. Bloom SR, Emmanuel AV. Ghrelin Enhances Gastric Emptying in Diabetic Gastroparesis. Gut 2005. Dec;54(12):1693-8
• Murray CDR, Flynn J, Ratcliffe L, Jacyna MR, Kamm MA, Emmanuel AV. The Effect of Acute Physical and Psychological Stress on Gut Autonomic Innervation in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Gastroenterology 2004;127(6):1695-1703
• Reviews
• Murray CDR, Kamm M A, Bloom S R, Emmanuel A V. Ghrelin and the Gastroenterologist- History and Potential. Gastroenterology 2003;125(5):1492-502
• Murray CD, Emmanuel AV. Medical management of diverticular disease. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 2002; 16(4):611-620.
• Murray CDR. Ghrelin- hungry for more? Gastrointestinal nursing. June 2004
• Murray CDR, Emmanuel AV. Pathophysiology of the enteric nervous system: a model for functional diseases. Chapter 13: Colonic diseases. Eds Spiller R and Grundy D. Blackwell Publishing 2004
• Murray CDR, Emmanuel A V. Diabetes- Chronic complications: Diabetes and the Gut. Eds Shaw K and Cummings C. Wiley and sons 2005