Job title
Consultant neurologist
Contact details
PA/secretary tel: 020 7794 0500. ext 36397.
PA/secretary email: caroline.sweetman@nhs.net
Related services
Dr Davies is a consultant neurologist with an interest in multiple sclerosis. He is one of the general neurologists at Barnet Hospital, and he is also involved with the multiple sclerosis service at Chase Farm Hospital.
He takes part in the acute neurology rota at the Royal Free Hospital.
GMC number
• Davies G, Keir G, Thompson EJ, and Giovannoni G. The clinical significance of an intrathecal monoclonal immunoglobulin band: a follow-up study. Neurology 60:1163-1166, 2003.
• Davies GR, Ramió-Torrentà Ll, Hadjiprocopis A, Chard DT, Griffin CM, Rashid W, Barker GJ, Kapoor R, Thompson AJ, Miller DH. Evidence for grey matter MTR abnormality in minimally disabled patients with early relapsing-remitting MS. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 75: 998-1002, 2004.
• Davies GR, Ramani A, Dalton CM, Tozer DJ, Wheeler-Kingshott CA, Barker GJ, Thompson AJ, Miller DH, and Tofts PS. Preliminary magnetic resonance study of the macromolecular proton fraction in white matter: a potential marker of myelin? Mult Scler 9:246-249, 2003.
• Davies GR, Tozer DJ, Cercignani M, Ramani A, Dalton CM, Thompson AJ, Barker GJ, Tofts PS, Miller DH. Estimation of the macromolecular proton fraction and bound pool T2 in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 10:607-613, 2004.
• Davies GR, Altmann DR, Hadjiprocopis A, Rashid W, Chard DT, Griffin CM, Tofts PS, Barker GJ, Kapoor R, Thompson AJ, Miller DH. Increasing normal-appearing grey and white matter MTR abnormality in early relapsing-remitting MS. J Neurol 252:1037-1044, 2005.
• Davies GR, Altmann DR, Rashid W, Chard DT, Griffin CM, Barker GJ, Kapoor R, Thompson AJ, Miller DH. Emergence of thalamic MTR abnormality in early relapsing-remitting MS. Mult Scler 11:276-281, 2005.
• Davies GR, Hadjiprocopis A, Altmann DR, Chard DT, Griffin CM, Rashid W, Parker GJ, Tofts PS, Kapoor R, Thompson AJ, Miller DH.Normal-appearing grey and white matter T1 abnormality in early relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal study. Mult Scler. 2007 Mar;13(2):169-77.
• Davies GR, Irani SR, Coltart C, Ingle G, Amin Y, Taylor C, Radcliffe J, Hirsch NP, Howard RS, Vincent A, Kullmann DM. Anti-NMDA receptor antibodies: a potentially treatable cause of encephalitis on the Intensive Care Unit. Critical Care Medicine. 2010 Feb; 38(2):679-82.
• Davies G, Wilson H, Wilhelm T, Bowler J. The reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome in association with venlafaxine and methenamine. BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Jun 13;2013.
• Hwang YT, Davies G. 'Insulin neuritis' to 'treatment-induced neuropathy of diabetes': new name, same
• mystery. Pract Neurol. 2016 Feb;16(1):53-5.