Job title
Consultant nephrologist and acute physician
Contact details
Email: kinyee.
Renal/transplant PA tel: 020 7317 7589
Renal/transplant PA email:
Acute medicine PA tel : 020 7794 0500 ext 36538
Acute medicine PA email: donna.
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Dr Shiu has been a consultant nephrologist and acute physician at the Royal Free Hospital since 2014. She is an honorary associate professor in the department of renal medicine at University College London (UCL).
She graduated with a first class degree from Cambridge before completing her medical training at UCL in 1997.
As a general nephrologist, Dr Shiu has a wide breadth of experience in looking after all aspects of kidney disease, including chronic kidney disease, renal diagnostics, acute kidney injury, dialysis and transplantation. She is also an acute medical physician at the Royal Free Hospital.
She is therefore well-placed to manage patients with nephrological and/or medical conditions, including those with acute or complex needs.
Dr Shiu’s research background is in renal transplantation: her PhD was in transplant immunology (King’s College London) and she continues to be active in clinical research.
GMC number
• Stringer D, Gardner L, Shaw O, Clarke B, Briggs D, Worthington J, Buckland M, Danzi G, Hilton R, Picton M, Thuraisingham R, Borrows R, Baker R, McCullough K, Stoves J, Phanish M, Shah S, Shiu KY, Walsh SB, Ahmed A, Ayub W, Hegarty J, Tinch-Taylor R, Georgiou E, Bidad N, K?l?ç A, Moon Z, Horne R, McCrone P, Kelly J, Murphy C, Peacock J, Dorling A. Optimized immunosuppression to prevent graft failure in renal transplant recipients with HLA antibodies (OuTSMART): a randomised controlled trial. EClinicalMedicine. 2023 Jan 12;56:101819.
• Burton H, McLaughlin L, Shiu KY, Shaw O, Mamode N, Spencer J, Dorling A. The phenotype of HLA-binding B cells from sensitized kidney transplant recipients correlates with clinically prognostic patterns of interferon-? production against purified HLA proteins. Kidney Int. 2022 Aug;102(2):355-369
• Shiu KY, Stringer D, McLaughlin L, Shaw O, Brookes P, Burton H, Wilkinson H, Douthwaite H, Tsui TL, Mclean A, Hilton R, Griffin S, Geddes C, Ball S, Baker R, Roufosse C, Horsfield C, Dorling A. Effect of Optimized Immunosuppression (Including Rituximab) on Anti-Donor Alloresponses in Patients With Chronically Rejecting Renal Allografts. Front Immunol. 2020 Feb 5;11:79.
• Stringer, D, Gardner, LM, Peacock, JL, Rebollo-mesa, I, Hilton, R, Shaw, O, Baker, R, Clark, B, Thuraisingham, RC, Buckland, M, Picton, M, Worthington, J, Borrows, R, Briggs, D, Shah, S, Shiu, KY, Mccullough, K, Phanish, M, Hegarty, J, Stoves, J, Ahmed, A, Ayub, W, Horne, R, Mccrone, P, Kelly, J, Murphy, C & Dorling, A 2019, 'Update to the study protocol, including statistical analysis plan, for the multicentre, randomised controlled OuTSMART trial: a combined screening/treatment programme to prevent premature failure of renal transplants due to chronic rejection in patients with HLA antibodies', Trials, 2019 Aug 5;20(1):476
• Shiu KY, McLaughlin 1, Rebollo-Mesa I, Zhao J, Burton H, Douthwaite H, Wilkinson H, Semik V, Dodd PC, Brookes P, Lechler RI, Hernandez-Fuentes MP, Kemper C, Dorling A. Graft dysfunction in chronic antibody-mediated rejection correlates with B-cell-dependent indirect antidonor alloresponses and autocrine regulation of interferon-? production by Th1 cells. Kidney Int. 2017 Feb;91(2):477-492
• Shiu KY, McLaughlin L, Rebollo-Mesa I, Zhao J, Semik V, Cook HT, Roufosse C, Brookes P, Bowers RW, Galliford J, Taube D, Lechler RI, Hernandez-Fuentes MP, Dorling A. B-lymphocytes support and regulate indirect T-cell alloreactivity in individual patients with chronic antibody-mediated rejection. Kidney Int. 2015 Sep;88(3):560-8.
• Shiu KY, Dorling A. Optimising long-term graft survival: establishing the benefit of targeting B lymphocytes. Clin Med (Lond). 2014 Dec;14 Suppl 6:s84-8.
• Armstrong-James D, Teo I, Herbst S, Petrou M, Shiu KY, McLean A, Taube D, Dorling A, Shaunak S. Renal allograft recipients fail to increase interferon-? during invasive fungal diseases. Am J Transplant. 2012 Dec;12(12):3437-40
• Shiu KY, Radu M, McFarlane L, Dooley J, Thomas D. An audit of anticipated discharge planning for acute medical and orthopaedic admissions. Int Journal Ther Rehabil. 11(11): 525-8, 2004
• McNulty S, Ross AW, Shiu KY, Morgan PJ, Hastings MH. Phosphorylation of CREB in ovine pars tuberalis is regulated both by cyclic AMP-dependent and cyclic AMP-independent mechanisms. J Neuroendocrinology. 8(8): 635-645), 1996
Dr Shiu's research interests are in chronic rejection in renal transplant patients.
She is principal investigator at the Royal Free London for a large multi-centre National Institute for Health and Care Research-funded trial determining the utility of biomarkers such as antibodies against the transplant, as well as determining the effectiveness of treatment protocols aimed at helping kidney transplants last longer.