Job title
Consultant neuroradiologist in the department of radiology
Contact details
- Tel: 020 7830 2106
- Email: mjoffe
Related services
Dr Joffe is a consultant Neuroradiologist and has worked in Neuroradiology and Head and Neck radiology since 2001.
Dr Joffe obtained a Bachelor of Science, primary as well as specialist medical degrees in South African at both the university of the Witwatersrand and Stellenbosch Universities. Dr Joffe also spent a year in a dedicated Neuroradiology fellowship role at the National hospital for Neurosurgery and Neurology (Queens Square) in London.
Dr Joffe has extensive experience in cross sectional imaging in Neuroradiology as well as ultrasound and ultrasound guided biopsies in Head and Neck radiology, peripheral vascular and neuroradiology diagnostic procedures. Currently, he performs minor interventional neuroradiology procedures such as lumbar punctures as well as facet joint and spinal nerve root blocks.
Dr Joffe has been in continual employment with Royal Free London since November 2014. Prior to 2014, part of his job plan included general diagnostic and interventional radiology with a focus on Neuroradiology and Head and Neck radiology. He has worked in both the government sector and private sector as a consultant radiologist both in the UK (since 2004) and in South Africa (since 2000).
His experience in the NHS has been obtained from working in district general hospitals, London-based academic hospitals and neuroscience centres. He also has experience as an entrepreneur in the medical space with experience in conceptualising and founding businesses. He has advised insurance companies and medical investment funds. He has chaired medical advisory committees as well as disciplinary committees.
Mr Daryll Baker and Dr Joffe initiated and set up the Neurovascular MDM at the Royal Free where carotid disease is reviewed and discussed prior to any interventional procedures.
GMC number