Job title
Consultant in respiratory medicine
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Dr Nikesh Devani is a consultant respiratory and general internal medicine physician at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.
He graduated with a distinction in clinical sciences from University College London and completed his specialist training in respiratory medicine in the North Central/East London Deanery.
Nikesh has a sub-specialty interest in sleep and ventilation, respiratory failure, and supporting tobacco dependent patients.
- Shah AJ, Florman K, Kaushal N, Kwong HF, Karoshi A, White L, Walker R, Lin YP, Ko HJ, Saigal A, Devani N, Mansell SK, Mandal S. Factors Affecting Domiciliary Non-Invasive Ventilation Compliance. Lung. 2022 Aug;200(4):457-462. doi: 10.1007/s00408-022-00557-8
- Naran P, Devani N, Murray J, Mandal S. Peer-to-peer simulation-based education for non-invasive ventilation: bridging the knowledge gap. Future Healthc J. 2022 Jul;9(Suppl 2):35. doi: 10.7861/fhj.9-2-s35
- Devani N, Evison M, on behalf of the BTS Smoking Specialist advisory group. National Smoking Cessation Audit 2021: Management of Tobacco Dependency in Acute Care Trusts. British Thoracic Society Audit Reports. 2022 March; 13 (1)
- Devani N, Pramono RXA, Imtiaz SA, Bowyer S, Rodriguez-Villegas E, Mandal S. Accuracy and usability of AcuPebble SA100 for automated diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea in the home environment setting: an evaluation study. BMJ Open. 2021 Dec 21;11(12):e046803. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-046803
- Devani N, Aslan T, Leske F, Mansell SK, Morgan S, Mandal S. Integrated diagnostic pathway for patients referred with suspected OSA: a model for collaboration across the primary-secondary care interface. BMJ Open Respir Res. 2020 Nov;7(1):e000743. doi: 10.1136/bmjresp-2020-000743
- Mansell, Stephanie & Devani, Nikesh & Walters, Laura & Thomas, Amanda. (2020). “NIVSIM” a simulation based education (SBE) intervention to improve the quality of care delivered for patients receiving acute non-invasive ventilation (NIV). 4158. 10.1183/13993003.congress-2020.4158.
- Mangera Z, Devani N, on behalf of the BTS Smoking Specialist advisory group. National Smoking Cessation Audit 2019. British Thoracic Society Audit Reports. 2020; 11 (2)
- Jaffer, A; Devani, N; Brown, J; Mandal, S; Lipman, M. HIV and respiratory illness in the antiretroviral therapy era. Annals of Research Hospitals. 2017; 1 , Article 43. doi: 10.21037/arh.2017.09.05.
- Devani N, Gkiousias V, Mitchell O et al. A structured tool for delivering feedback on medical student clinical clerkings. MedEdPublish 2019, 8:200 (https://
doi.org/ 10.15694/ mep.2019.000200.1) - Devani N, Young A, Adeotoye A, Syed I, Johns R. Aspiration Pneumonia. Respiratory Disease in Practice 2016; 24(4): 65-68