Job title
Consultant cardiologist
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Dr Khiani is an experienced general cardiologist committed to providing holistic patient focused care. Dr Khiani will treat the whole patient and discuss the cardiac diagnosis along with its physical and emotional impact on your health.
He works as a sub-specialist in cardiac devices, arrhythmia and heart failure.
He also sees patients with common cardiac symptoms including chest pain, palpitations, shortness of breath and blackouts. He manages all common cardiac disorders: atrial fibrillation, blood pressure, ischaemic heart disease, heart failure and valvular heart disease.
Having qualified from the Royal Free Hospital in 1995, Dr Khiani went on to perform junior doctor posts in and around North London. He continued with Registrar posts in Papworth and completed 2 years of research in Manchester. He then secured by Registrar training rotation in the South Thames Deanery and completed posts in Brighton and St Georges Hospital and Guys and St Thomas’ Hospitals.
• Khiani, Raj & Daly, Kevin & McCollum, Charles. (2002). Re: Clinical and Imaging Findings in Cryptogenic Stroke Patients With and Without Patent Foramen Ovale. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation. 33. 2149-50; author reply 2149. 10.1161/01.STR.0000029273.61989.5C Khiani, Raj, Shingler, Sarah, Hasleton, Philip, 2003/02/01, 53,
• Consent for autopsy [7],96, 10.1056/NEJM196602032740508. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. Khiani, R & Shingler, S & Hasleton, Philip & McCollum, CN. (2003).
• Coroner’s Post-mortems in a teaching hospital. 45A-45A. Khiani, R & Sastry, S & Mallon, S & Jones, M & Haselton, P & Heller, R & Heagerty, A & McCollum, C. (2004). Causes of sudden cardiac death in young adults. E256-E256.
• Velupandian, U.M. & Khiani, R & Calderwood, R & Morris, J & G Ray, S & Heagerty, A.M. & McCollum, Charles. (2006). 475 Patent foramen ovale – an evaluation of diagnostic techniques and routes of contrast administration. European Journal of Echocardiography. 7. 10.1016/S1525-2167(06)60265-5.
• Velupandian, U.M. & Khiani, R & Calderwood, R & Morris, J & G Ray, S & Heagerty, A.M. & McCollum, Charles. (2006). 474 Diagnosis of patent foramen ovale: femoral vein contrast administration is better. European Journal of Echocardiography. 7. 10.1016/S1525-2167(06)60264-3.