Job title
Consultant medical oncologist
Graduated from Barts and The London with first-class honours in Molecular Therapeutics (BMedSci) and completed Medical Oncology specialist training at The Royal Marsden, in 2022. Her PhD focused on utilising circulating tumour DNA to detect evolution of chemotherapy resistance. Her research interests include translational research and developing novel combination therapeutics.
GMC number
• ACP Medical Oncology Specialty Certificate Exam SBA Question book: Contributed to Renal, Melanoma and Acute Oncology Chapters. Mansukhani S, Young K, Larkin J. In Press 2022
• Real-world efficacy and safety of nivolumab in patients with previously treated metastatic renal cell carcinoma: A tertiary cancer centre experience: Mansukhani S, Suyanto S, Nocivin I, Broome L, Michael A, Pandha H. Submitted to Cancer Journal Dec 2021
• Ultra-sensitive mutation detection and genome-wide DNA copy number reconstruction by error-corrected circulating tumour DNA sequencing: Mansukhani S, Barber LJ, Kleftogiannis D, Moorcraft SY, Davidson M, Woolston A, Proszek PZ, Griffiths B, Fenwick K, Herman B, Matthews N, O’Leary B, Hulkki S, Gonzalez De Castro D, Patel A, Wotherspoon A, Okachi A, Rana I, Begum R, Davies MN, Powles T, von Loga K, Hubank M, Turner N, Watkins D, Chau I, Cunningham D, Lise S, Starling N, Gerlinger M. Clinical Chemistry 2018; 64 (11): 1626-1635
• ICONIC: Peri-operative immune-chemotherapy in operable oesophageal and gastric cancer: Mansukhani S, Davidson M, Gillbanks A, Peckitt C, Musallam A, Begum R, Morganstein D, Wotherspoon A, Riddell A, Kinross J, Marchesi J, von Loga K, Allum W, Rao S, Watkins D, Chau I, Cunningham D, Starling N, Chaudry A, Gerlinger M. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2018; 36 (15_suppl)
• Molecular subtypes and novel genetic mechanisms of primary and acquired anti-EGFR resistance in colorectal cancer in the PROSPECT-C biomarker trial: Khan KH, Woolston A, Spain G, Barber LJ, Patil Y, Griffiths B, GonzalezExposito R, Mansukhani S, Davies MN, Rao S, Watkins D, Sclafani F, Suntharanathan J, Peckitt C, Begum R, Rana I, Thomas J, Oates J, Bryant A, Wotherspoon A, Fotiadis N, Khan N, Guettler S, von Loga K, Starling N, Chau I, Sadanandam A, Cunningham D, Gerlinger M. Cancer Research. 2018; 78 (supp 13):4339-4339
• Perioperative FLOT+ anti-PD-L1 avelumab (FLOT-A) chemo-immunotherapy in resectable oesophagogastric adenocarcinoma (OGA): Safety and biomarker data from the ICONIC trial safety run-in: Davidson M, Mansukhani S, Starling N, Chau I, Watkins D, Cunningham D, Lazaro-Alcausi R, Griffiths B, Barber L, Morganstein D, Forster MD, Davies S, Begum R, Gillbanks A, Kalaitzaki E, Wotherspoon A, von Loga K, Chaudry A, Gerlinger M. Annals of Oncology. 2019; 30 (5_suppl)
• Genomic and transcriptomic determinants of therapy resistance and immune landscape evolution during anti-EGFR treatment in colorectal cancer: Woolston A, Khan K, Spain G, Barber LJ, Griffiths B, Gonzalez-Exposito R, Hornsteiner L, Punta M, Patil Y, Newey A, Mansukhani S, Davies MN, Furness A, Sclafani F, Peckitt C, Jime’Nez M, Kouvelakis K, Ranftl R, Begum R, Rana I, Thomas J, Bryant A, Quezeda S, Wotherspoon A, Khan N, Fotiadis N, Marafioti T, Powles T, Lise S, Calvo F, Guettler S, von Loga K, Rao S, Watkins D, Starling N, Chau I, Sadanandam A, Cunningham D, Gerlinger Ml. Cancer Cell. 2019; 36(1):35-50
• Detecting and tracking circulating tumour DNA copy number profiles during first line chemotherapy in oesophagogastric adenocarcinoma: Davidson M, Barber LJ, Woolston A, Cafferkey C, Mansukhani S, Griffiths B, Moorcraft SY, Rana I, Begum R, Assiotis I, Matthews N, Rao S, Watkins D, Chau I, Cunningham D, Starling N, Gerlinger M. Cancers; 2019;11(5). pii: E736
• Toxicity management of regorafenib in patients with gastro-intestinal stromal tumour (GIST) in a tertiary cancer centre: Chamberlain F, Farag S, Williams-Sharkey C, Collingwood C, Chen L, Mansukhani S, Engelmann B, Al-Muderis O, Chauhan D, Thway K, Fisher C, Jones R, Gennatas S, Benson, C. Clin Sarcoma Res. 2020
• Exclusion of gastrointestinal cancer patients with prior cancer from clinical trials: is this justified? Smyth EC, Tarazona N, Peckitt C, Armstrong E, Mansukhani S, Cunningham D, Chau I. Clin Colorectal Cancer. 2016 Jun;15(2)
Dr Mansukhani's research interests include utilising circulating tumour DNA to detect evolution of chemotherapy resistance, translational research and developing novel combination therapeutics.